who cares

Story: Microsoft: Getting to grips with open sourceTotal Replies: 1
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Jul 28, 2006
11:12 AM EDT
I got something they can come to grip with

Jul 28, 2006
11:42 AM EDT
"[W]ho cares" expresses it well.

Microsoft makes lots of noise, which much of the press simply regurgitates as news. I expect they will increase the noise and increase the "news" in order to lull people into thinking everything is going to be wonderful with MS, so go ahead and sell yourself to MS Vista.

They desperately need people to stop talking and thinking about all the lock-down and spying incorporated into MS Vista. They desperately need people to believe that suddenly, after a generation of deception, MS has morphed into something with ethics.

All I want from MS and cohorts is for them to get out of the way.

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