What Linux has that Microsoft doesn't

Story: What Microsoft has that Linux doesn'tTotal Replies: 5
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Aug 12, 2006
10:34 PM EDT
What Linux has that Microsoft doesn't is thousands of enthusiastic users who do what these seven trucks do everyday, 24/7, and they do it as happy "customers", not sales people. Hard to demo? hardly. Live Linux CDs are plentiful and work great. It's hard to beat great word of mouth.

As an example, I used to be just another average, frustrated computer user. Not into computers by any means. I tried Linux one day and discovered that all of what I thought where "problems with computers" were really problems with Microsoft Windows. Now I can't shut up about it. I had Linux put on the computers at work (I owned the company) which solved our problems there. I have converted family, friends, even the salesman at the computer store was curious and wanted to get a live CD from me to try. Why? people can't stop talking about it.

You just can't beat that kind of enthusiasm, even with seven trucks across America.


Aug 13, 2006
4:48 AM EDT
I beg to differ.

Much as it might gall you and me, there are many thousands of Microsoft Partners arend the country (and world). Many of them are every bit as enthusiastic about Microsft wares as we are about free software. Microsoft has invested a lot of time and money in it's "partners", and they often get rewarded with loyal support in return.

How deep is that loyalty?

Might not be as deep as it used to be.

Assorted security problems have certainly made things more difficult for Microsoft Partners. The wholesale abandonment of older versions of Visual Basic -- esentially creating a whole new language -- was not remotely well-received by Visual Basic developers.

But...They're still out there and hugely more potent marketing force than 7 trucks.


Aug 13, 2006
9:46 PM EDT
Quoting:Microsoft has invested a lot of time and money in it's "partners", and they often get rewarded with loyal support in return.

They'll squeal otherwise as soon as MS tried to move into their business space. MS has a habit of buying up a few parters and subsequently wiping out the rest with marketing fluff and monopoly muscle. Look at *any* new technology coming out of Redmond since the mid 80's. For a recent example, look at the AV industry.

Aug 14, 2006
3:28 AM EDT
sander -

The partners I'm talking about are VARs who sell Microsoft solutions.

Aug 14, 2006
4:12 AM EDT
It's only a matter of time before MS makes a wrong move and ticks them off as well. Your post above being a good example :-)


Aug 14, 2006
4:28 AM EDT
>It's only a matter of time before MS makes a wrong move and ticks them off as well. Your post above being a good example :-)

Yeah...Microsoft seems to be cracking around the edges. They used to do an incredible job with their channel -- and still do better than many.

All their years of work may pay off for them, though. They've created a channel that doesn't have much else it can do but push Microsoft solutions.

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