
Story: Patent rulings could destroy open source softwareTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Aug 29, 2006
11:14 PM EDT
The eventual destruction of the human race could mark the end for open source software development.

Source code is just a very accurate description of a patented invention/process anyways. IANAL, but the patented process doesn't actually occur until the code is compiled and run. At least that seems to be the theory behind the LAME mp3 encoder project, and the reason why they distribute in source-only form. They have yet to be sued into oblivion.

But bundle it with a hardware product, and that's another matter, I suspect. The sad state of US patent laws could affect the likelihood of OEMs bundling open source software, since they'd be selling a physical product that infringes on someone else's patented "invention". I install Linux from scratch anyways.

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