the screenshots don't do fish justice...

Story: Screenshots of an interactive shell called fish.Total Replies: 0
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Sep 04, 2006
2:51 PM EDT
fish is much better than that! i discovered it a few weeks ago, and despite being a strong commandline user for 14 years (mostly bash) fish was an instant keeper.

read the design document: to understand why.

fish puts away with all the sh backwards compatibility baggage that serves no purpose in an interactive shell. this simplifies the whole syntax a lot, making it more consistent too.

because of its features and simplicity fish is more suitable for a beginning user than any other shell i have come across.

if you want to learn about the commandline, or if you want to help someone else overcome fear of having to type commands instead of clicking, then fish is the best way to do it.

fish is under active development. its main developer is very responsive and has open ears for users complaints and requests.

fish is healthy! do yourself a favour, and try some fish today!

greetings, eMBee (an excited fish user)

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