
Story: Embracing Unix and Linux DesktopsTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Sep 11, 2006
3:03 PM EDT
Oh dear:

"Embracing Unix and Linux Desktops These OSs work well on a Windows network when it comes to printing. File-sharing and e-mail, however, are more complicated."

"One of Windows 2000’s most touted features was its new native authentication protocol, Kerberos. Microsoft didn’t invent Kerberos, so it’s no surprise that Unix platforms have a number of Kerberos options. Unfortunately, Microsoft did have to extend Kerberos a bit to make it work well with Windows, so cross-platform domain authentication still isn’t a cinch."

"Like KOffice, OpenOffice is designed to interoperate through Acrobat PDF files, not by reading and writing other vendors’ file formats."

Smells like there's FUD in the water. Nice article to add to the page Scott_Ruecker!


Sep 11, 2006
3:53 PM EDT
Exactly, FUD in the water..

Its articles like this that give you a taste of whats out there.

Sep 12, 2006
9:40 AM EDT
"Sadly, OpenOffice doesn’t have great cross-platform file support with Microsoft Office file types. "

Bulls**t. What corporate kool-aid is this guy drinking?

Sep 12, 2006
9:51 AM EDT

"Unfortunately, Microsoft did have to extend Kerberos a bit to make it work well with Windows, so cross-platform domain authentication still isn’t a cinch."

Um...Yeah..MS "HAD" to extend kerberos to "make it work" with Win2k... More like they purposefully coded their kerberos implementation and win2k so they wouldn't interoperate with the rest of the world that was already using it...


When will they learn?

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