This story should be removed

Story: The Sorry State of Vista DriversTotal Replies: 4
Author Content

Sep 13, 2006
6:51 AM EDT
and for that matter, should have never been published to begin with. Unless of course, we're trying to communicate "stick with XP" to our community?

Sep 13, 2006
10:49 AM EDT
Look at it this way: Microsoft is one of the biggest obstacles on the path of creating a market that offers multiple OSes, both free and closed, developed by SMEs, communities, and multinationals.

Every single dollar that doesn't go to Microsoft's coffers is a step towards that future. (Which is one that I'd like to see realized sooner rather than later)

Sep 13, 2006
11:21 AM EDT
I could look at it that way. In addition, I can think of at least 7189 other ways to look at it. However, I chose to look at it from the perspective already expressed in my original post.

Sep 13, 2006
12:28 PM EDT
I usually don't object to being informed (by LXer) about what is happening in the other camp.

But with this article I'm left wondering what's the point?

So Microsoft may experience the same issue with drivers as it did with XP and the author hopes that hardware manufacturers are gonna adapt in a reasonable amount of time? So what?

If you will, we don't hope that. We hope Vista rots in hell and manufacturers turn to GNU/Linux opening up their specifications or even (imagine that) releasing Free Software drivers. :P


Sep 13, 2006
3:35 PM EDT
Well, we can always hope.

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