Reminds me of Ireland's vote to join the EU

Story: Software patents back to haunt EuropeTotal Replies: 2
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Sep 23, 2006
10:50 AM EDT
Four of five times, Ireland held referendums to join the EU. Over and over, it was declined.

Each time, the pro-union forces increased their nagging, increased their rhetoric, etc.

In my opinion, the last vote passed (barely) just to shut them up. And indeed they did, once they got what they wanted, there have been no more calls for another referendum on joining the EU.

So software patents are put down. Over and over. Yet again, the nagging and the whining is being turned up, in preparation for yet another vote. I suggest that if the vote goes the way of software patents, there won't be any more whining, no more nagging, no more requests for another vote on the matter.

At every level in the US I've seen the same tactic used. Those of us who wish to live in peace eventually give in and let the polypragmatoi have this one more bit of our liberties just to shut them up so they will go away, but they never go away. There is always another freedom they wish to take away, another liberty that is just too dangerous (Think Of The Children!) to trust people with.

And yet there are those who can wonder how I can be an anarchist. Who wouldn't be after watching how legislation (or sausage) is made?

Sep 23, 2006
11:56 AM EDT
So true. Now, as long as the Parliament can be kept in the decision-making, we can at least fight. If the treaty is finished outside the EU, well... We're probably screwed.

Guess we'll have to develop/distribute software on a blacknet, then...

By the way, Don, any chance of this being a Today's Big Story thingy or getting an editorial devoted to it? Just so people new to this know to say no.

Sep 23, 2006
1:45 PM EDT
There's a similar process going on in Poland today - Kaczyński twins and their party push bills favorable for them by putting them on the agenda over and over again until enough members of Sejm come from holidays (in emergency mode) to push it against the opposition.

And we *do* hope that Europe really has higher standards... ;)

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