Testing (may be deleted)

Story: Good bits in GNOME 2.16Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Sep 26, 2006
6:02 AM EDT
To the moderators/ editors.

I'm testing how this works and want to see if the posts and threads are updated to point to this or if it continues to point to the SW Virtuozzo article.

Sep 26, 2006
6:17 AM EDT
It seems to point to "Good Bits in GNOME 2.16". Is that what it should point to?

BTW, Bob is looking into the disappearing thread issue. It may or may not be related to implementing the new theme.

Sep 26, 2006
7:21 AM EDT
That's interestting! Yes, that's what it should point to and now does. It didn't used to -- even with reloading after posting that line had 0 posts and 0 threads and pointed to the now infamous "SW Virtuozzo..." posts.

BTW. I figured you were aware of it but I decided to do some testing of my own on it. It gets annoying after awhile.

Don K.

PS. this seems to be fixed! Kudos to the LXer maintainers!!!

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