I dunno....

Story: Open source projects out of sync with users says BEATotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Oct 08, 2006
7:40 PM EDT
"As an example, he gives the Apache Tomcat servlet container, which he says isn’t strong on management. Why? because management features weren’t seen as very important by the community, although BEA customers wanted it, Levy says. Therefore, BEA had to build a Tomcat management console for its WebLogic Java server platform, he says."

Isn't that how things are supposed to work? There's free software...it doesn't do what you need it to do...you change it to fit your needs...problem solved, what's the bitching about? Are open-sourced projects supposed to target the needs of BEA clients as opposed to whatever else they consider important?

This article seems to be a combination of advertisement for BEA, and a dig at the open source model of software development.

Oct 08, 2006
8:54 PM EDT
I have to agree with you that this is the way FOSS works.

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