A poor review

Story: Bluefish: Getting Your Feet Wet with Linux HTML EditorTotal Replies: 7
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Oct 11, 2006
10:11 PM EDT
I have been using BlueFish ever since I switched to Linux for my OS. While there are some wrinkles to smoothen over, they are not the wrinkles the author is pointing to. Those wrinkles are just a figment of his imagination.

Quoting:To be honest, it’s really unprofessional for the Bluefish development team to exclude IE based on their personal bias rather than catering to their users.

That's probably because there's no (native) IE for Linux and no BlueFish for Windows. The browser previews are not plugins but launch the browser externally.

Quoting:The lack of integration with such needed tools like FTP

FTP is supported. As is SSH and a bunch of other protocols. You need gone-vfs though.

The real wrinkles are that gnome-vfs doesn't work too well yet (bugs under SSH, general slowness with FTP) and that the highlighting engine is a tad slow too. Sometimes it fails to update the highlighting completely.

Oct 12, 2006
3:47 AM EDT
All of that can be fixed by using a simple text editor with syntax highlighting, like SciTE.


Real web developers only need something like that to do their XHTML/CSS stuff. :-)

Oct 12, 2006
8:08 AM EDT
An IDE for web development does have a few advantages. My personal favourite is still HTML-Kit from Chami (http://www.chami.com) but I had to leave that behind when moving to Linux. I think that's the only Win32 application I still miss from time to time. There's rumors that the next version will run on Linux though.

Oct 12, 2006
8:53 AM EDT

Rumor has it that html-kit runs fine under Wine. I can't verify that, since I don't use it, but you might want to give it a try.

Oct 12, 2006
8:56 AM EDT
hehe. My personal web development environment consists of mc and nano. :) I never was much for the IDEs.

Oct 12, 2006
9:03 AM EDT
But... the vim! The gvim! The POWER! The sheer number of useful COMMANDS! The.. the.. the FOLDS! *stomps off in a huff, grumbling about disrespecting the vi*

Oct 12, 2006
9:24 AM EDT
Oh, you go off in your huff!! The sheer unituitiveness of it!

I'll stick with me emacs!! IMNSHO, It's better than any vi any day! ;-) (Dowses flames behind his Emacs armor!)

Oct 12, 2006
11:50 PM EDT
Ah yes. Emacs. The other other OS ;-)

Re. HTML-Kit on Wine: No thanks. I have Wine installed, but only use it for things that do not have an alternative on Linux (which in my case is only IEs4Linux - I'm a web developer so I need IE to preview). While Bluefish isn't as good as HTML-Kit, the difference is small enough. Plus it has a couple of nice things that HTML-Kit doesn't have, like SSH2 support and editable highlighting rules using regular expressions.

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