
Story: Ballmer Invites Patent Talks with Competing Linux VendorsTotal Replies: 0
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Nov 04, 2006
11:57 AM EDT
As I remember, OSRM was/is making an offer to users of Linux for patent coverage. Taking from the past, after a report (don't recall the date), that Linux may have issues with ~200+ of Microsoft patents, OSRM was in my opinion using the Microsoft patent(s) threat to sell coverage. I do not want to attack OSRM, my point here is this; the "threat" of Microsoft patents did little for OSRM's business, for years following they seem to work hard at selling it.

I do not believe in the years following to date, that Novell & Microsoft will be successful in a business building deal, using patent(s) threat that just did not work before. So many now are using Linux, Windows and more or less of one or the other to meet needs. Why is SuSE, ( owned by Novell ), the one that should change the ideas deployments and developments of the open source community alone, just on they, Novell, are first with a deal with Microfsoft.

Power play ?, not likely, the law(s) around the world would have to also be zap'ed by the deal between Novell & Micosoft. The signed deals are subject to the law, and Microsoft has no power to overthrow the law ?. The impact of this is only going to be from those that over react to it; how many deals are signed and are never used, or bring much of a profit. They can sign away, its users and in this case, the community's call on how Novell will see future community development support reaction(s), as well Microsoft will pay a price as well when Novell"s community drops in number, or maybe to nothing; it remains to be seen.

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