thanks nat

Story: The Tao Of LinuxTotal Replies: 1
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Dec 04, 2006
7:12 PM EDT
i like to thank nat and miguel for their contributions to open source. I use products of ximian everyday.

but why oh why did novell do this deal with linux - I know I am beating a dead horse but why did they do this deal -

life was good until this deal. I was a big suse novell fan until this deal - hopefully someday I can find it in my heart to go back and there will be a suse disto left. but right now I just can't recommend their product knowing when I buy their product some of my money is going to redmond.

linux owes nothing to microsoft - and I am really upset by this deal. I don't want anything to do with microsoft - and I don't need them to have a great computing experience.

Dec 04, 2006
9:19 PM EDT
Use opensuse, microsoft gets nothing. The "deal with the devil" only covers sled/sles

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