
Story: Is Linux Ready for Small Biz?Total Replies: 2
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Dec 18, 2006
1:11 PM EDT
Small businesses don't avoid Linux they just have no idea it exists on the whole. Just like if you ask any member of your family to name three operating systems they could have on a computer they probably won't even know that Windows is an operating system let alone that it isn't the only one.

I think in the world of people like us who know and use Linux we lose sight of reality a little. We really are a minority even in terms of having been heard of. If you looked at usage of Linux amongst people who are aware of it, know what an operating system is and have freedom to choose what they run you'll find quite a large proportion of people running Linux.

Point being easy or not not choosing (using what comes on a machine or your IT person provides) will always be even easier.

Dec 18, 2006
10:24 PM EDT
> I think in the world of people like us who know and use Linux we lose sight of reality a little. We really are a minority even in terms of having been heard of.

Two years ago, that was true, but now I find more and more in the general population who have heard (usually in favorable terms) about Linux. Then again, maybe it's just all you guys getting the word out. Whatever the reason, keep it up :) .

My experience says that many small business are indeed aware of Linux, but they won't go there until (a.) their buddies & competitors do, or (b.) When MS becomes so intolerable that they feel driven to another solution. Remember that these guys want a sure (or at least a safe) solution.

Dec 19, 2006
5:06 AM EDT
The issue with MS shops who want 'safe' solutions is that MS will do what it takes to make those solutions 'unsafe' and force them into upgrading into that situation. The result is that you wind up with compatibility nightmares like trying to get Windows clients to talk Secure Dynamic Update to non-Microsoft DNS servers.

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