sshfs is the coolest

Story: Tips and Tricks for Linux Admins: Discover, Map and StoreTotal Replies: 6
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Dec 20, 2006
10:04 AM EDT
Sorry for tooting my own horn, but if you haven't tried SSHFS you're missing out. If you have to edit remote files a lot, SSHFS makes it easy. For one example, Asterisk servers have a gazillion files to edit for even simple configs. With SSHFS I get to mount the remote filesystem locally, open up all the files I need in Kate tabs, and boom- fast and easy.


Dec 20, 2006
4:07 PM EDT
sweet. I'll have to try that out.

Dec 20, 2006
6:26 PM EDT
How does it compare to shfs?

Dec 20, 2006
6:33 PM EDT
I found it easier to use remote protocols sftp or fish with kate. No mounting needed. I save all my source code remotely on a solidly backed up system and edit it using kate remotely from home. Never had a problem.

Dec 21, 2006
3:13 PM EDT
richo123: as I see it, kio-slaves (used by kate, among other KDE-based apps) is just a workaround for lack of kernel-level support for remote mounts. It works, but only in KDE. Gnome has similar mechanism which requires another load of libraries. It shouldn't be this way...

Dec 21, 2006
3:26 PM EDT
> Gnome has similar mechanism which requires another load of libraries.

It's called gnome VFS (Virtual File System) and relies only on gnome core components. IIRC there are plans to replace it with a kio-compatible system for gnome 3.0. That would effectively standardize KIO across the Linux Desktops. Nice.

Dec 21, 2006
4:04 PM EDT
WebDAV thru https .... with the creative use of symbolic links, it's almost like being there.

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