Shove that Oracle (and MS/Novell)

Story: Red Hat earnings shrug off Oracle threatTotal Replies: 3
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Dec 22, 2006
11:50 AM EDT
Panic stations in the evil empire? Shares up 25% in one day is not a bad result especially as the market was going the other way.

Dec 22, 2006
11:58 AM EDT
I think Red Hat is a great example of the old sports cliche, "play your own game." They don't fund mass idiot studies and analysts, their execs don't run around spouting moronic babble, and they never badmouth anyone. They just go to work and do their thing, and let their products and customer service do most of the talking. (While a certain illegal monopolist must expend enormous resources to drown out the unpleasant chatter of their products and services.) I'm not much of a RHEL fan, but I think Red Hat the company is admirable in a lot of ways.

Dec 22, 2006
12:53 PM EDT
>I'm not much of a RHEL fan

This is always personal taste. I'd take a Red Hat-based OS any day over something based on Debian. Not that I don't like Debian, just that my personal tastes are for Red Hat. PCLOS has Red Hat roots, but they've seriously improved on what Mandrake was doing. But anyway, I'll drop it. In the end, Linux is Linux, at least at the core.

>They just go to work and do their thing, and let their products and customer service do most of the talking.

True, and they also aren't prone to overextending. At the height of their stock price, before the tech bubble burst, they could have attempted to expand their line of offerings and their reach, but they chose to grow slowly, steadily and wisely. It's the number one reason that they're around when so many other Linux companies (and other types of tech companies) from the time period are long since gone. They do indeed play their own game, and they play it very well.

Dec 22, 2006
1:38 PM EDT
>'CFO Charlie Peters said on a conference call with analysts that the company is "cautiously optimistic that competitive efforts by some of the largest technology companies in the world are actually expanding our opportunity."'

That's from a different article on the same story. As they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity (well, unless you're Novell, lol). Red Hat is getting noticed where before they might not have. And they look so good next to that Oracle pig, and I think next to SUSE (which I can't stand, and that's before the Novell/MS deal. Just not my cup-o-tea.).

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