Did I hear the word 'late'?

Story: Red Hat's next Linux due before MarchTotal Replies: 4
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Dec 28, 2006
5:31 PM EDT
Ah yes, Debian 'may' be a month late and everyone screams in despair. Red hat says it's going to be two months late with its release and it's 'quality control'. What a spin.

Dec 28, 2006
6:04 PM EDT
It's a media thing - like how all the news about gaming is about Wii wrist straps breaking, and for GNU/Linux how Debian Etch might be a month or two late, and for normal media, whichever pretty white girl went missing lately. Just depends what stories people latch on to.

The reality is that Wii wrist straps take a massive amount of force to break and have been recalled for stronger ones, that if Debian Etch releases two months late it will likely be the most on-time Debian release ever (Sarge was about a year late), and that some random pretty white girl vanishing is not something that affects us on a national level.

Dec 28, 2006
6:29 PM EDT
>Ah yes, Debian 'may' be a month late

Well...maybe that's because Debian's on-time is anybody else's (except, perhaps, Microsoft) desperately late.

Dec 28, 2006
7:31 PM EDT
Hey, if Etch is a year late, we can put it in perspective - it's still a year ahead of Microsoft. :-D

Dec 29, 2006
1:46 AM EDT
>it's still a year ahead of Microsoft

That depends on your perspective. If on-time includes the things you say you're going to deliver, I'd say the lead is near infinite. Vista's coming out with nearly none of the cool stuff it was supposed to have. It's big contribution (?) will be DRM and code bloat.

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