Too expensive

Story: PC X-server runs from USB keyTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Jan 12, 2007
9:40 AM EDT
Why in the world would anyone pay that kind of money when you can put PuTTY and Xming on a USB stick and do the same thing for free?

Quoting:X-Win32 Flash is shipping now, under commercial, educational, and government licenses. Educational licenses start at $23; commercial licenses at $225. A free (with registration) one-month evaluation license key is also available.

Additionally, the product is available pre-installed on flash keys from 1GB to 4GB, at prices starting at $300.

PuTTY free, Xming free, USB stick to put it on $10.00, paying me to sit in front of a windows machine ... currently costs $23.00+ an hour while I check email and write logs for my employer. The freedom to use linux regardless of the OS I'm sitting in front of .. priceless. (and free)

Jan 12, 2007
10:04 AM EDT


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