this is their plan

Story: THE PC IS DEADTotal Replies: 4
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Jan 21, 2007
7:08 AM EDT
ya this is what microsoft wants

they want to shove their software down your throat and make it impossible to install the software of your choice

they want the pc to be just like the ipod - throw away and buy another -

meanwhile they just smile and keep on cashing your checks.

no thanks - I will still build my own pc thank you or buy ones where I can install what i want and with no trusted woops I mean treacherous computer chip.

they got all the big corporations buying their crap for the desktop and locked them in with all their internet explorer only web pages.

don't people care anymore about individuality - do we all just want to be robots and keep feeding the chosen few so they can buy more boats lawyers and politicians.

makes me want to get out of the computer field sometimes the way windows is shoved down everybodies throat.


Jan 21, 2007
8:15 AM EDT
Don't forget the part about them charging you monthly for them to automagically keep "your" console and the software on it up to date and running, because you know it will stop working if you don't, because obviously anyone who doesn't subscribe must be using pirated software.....

Jan 21, 2007
12:19 PM EDT
quote:; don't people care anymore about individuality ::quote

No, they never have. The real individuals are considered social misfits.

Jan 21, 2007
12:48 PM EDT
The PC is bigger than Microsoft. Moore's law (and corollaries related to storage and networking) may cause the ATX case to be larger than necessary. Thin clients are using mini-ATX now. The PC will never die, but it may evolve into a bump on the back of the monitor. For serious work we will either need speech recognition that works reliably or a full-sized keyboard. A PC will always be more capable than a MSFT box because it is open and MSFT does not control the chip/mobo/case/peripheral market like they do desktop software. Desktop software is opening now, too with the BSDs, Solaris and GNU/Linux, so the future will unfold as it should, not as MSFT wishes.

Jan 21, 2007
1:05 PM EDT
pogson, you're right. When we have reliable speech-recognition the killer widget will be the wireless phone, and for heavy-duty PC-type work a tablet PC that fits into an ordinary portfolio, and that handles both voice and handwriting input.

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