My question is...

Story: BEAT TeH L33T - Challenge some of Linux's Best With Your Most Nagging ProblemsTotal Replies: 7
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Jan 25, 2007
2:26 PM EDT
How do we keep people who 'think' they are gurus from creating more sites/forums to answer the unanswerable questions? It appears to be an unsolvable problem. Which is why I posted this question here... etc.. etc.. etc...


Jan 25, 2007
2:42 PM EDT
Ultra-diligent moderators for the most part...The only questions that will be considered for an answer are those received at the linuxflight email addy. All others will be moved to another board or deleted.

to a chorus of "rulz sUk" I am sure.


Jan 25, 2007
2:59 PM EDT
Outer Limits

Jan 25, 2007
3:03 PM EDT
helios, my point is that you've created yet another forum for 'questions answered'... like the thousands that exist already that were attempts at doing the same thing.

Jan 25, 2007
3:35 PM EDT
> point is that you've created yet another forum for 'questions answered'... like the thousands that exist already that were attempts at doing the same thing.

Your right, but the forums that last are the ones that people want to go to. Whether it be for information or entertainment, or both. ;-)

It is the quality of the participants that can set it apart, look at LXer for example. I will argue that it is the quality of the participants that make LXer as good as it is. It can be true for this as well.

Jan 25, 2007
8:27 PM EDT

collect your points and horde them tightly...Now I don't feel so old.


And if you visit those forums or pages, you will find question after question in the "dead letter" file or in the archives...unanswered. Here we are going to tap the wit, intelligence and knowledge of This and other forum membership to provide humorous and accurate answers to questions that have fallen off the table in other places. Scott nailed it. If we use the right combination of humor and skill, this will work well. There is nothing anyone will gain from this except the knowledge that we might have helped someone with a problem that they still need help with.

Our SEO guy is going to optimize for bot crawling as well. Hopefully, those "dead" links will now point to our effort and others will benefit from the effort.

Besides...funny is not only attracts the best and brightest....Think a cross between Benny Hill, Dennis Miller and Linus.

There ya go.


Jan 25, 2007
9:58 PM EDT
I'm just glad helios didn't misspell "bot crawling". ;-)

Jan 26, 2007
3:12 AM EDT
LOL...should have seen the options my spell checker offered in replacement.


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