Story: Kernel hackers offer to develop free Linux driversTotal Replies: 3
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Feb 14, 2007
8:50 PM EDT
Quoting:But isn't it just plain weird to offer a product like this for free on Linux, and for $250 on Windows and OS X? Kast concedes that it is an odd choice from a business perspective -- odd enough that he must maintain a FAQ list on the LightZone for Linux page reassuring visitors that the app is neither crippled, pirated, nor a hoax.

In spite of that confusion, he says that the company gets more from its Linux customers than it loses in hypothetical sales. Kast ensures that the Linux version works because it is his platform of choice. The rest of the company required "absolutely no persuasion" on his idea of releasing the it free of charge. The company felt that Linux licenses would be a fraction of Windows and Mac sales, and not worth the marketing expense.

But as a free download, LightZone attracts as many customers as Windows does at its current price point. And those Linux users are dedicated, assisting with bug reports, translations, and valuable feedback. "The Linux version gets us so much user connection and goodwill. A company can have a whole different kind of conversation with no-charge Linux users than it can have with supported Mac/Win users."

Feb 14, 2007
10:46 PM EDT
Cool, bookmarked for later analysis and evaluation....

Feb 15, 2007
5:52 AM EDT
So, why does the comment point to the kernel hackers article instead of the LightZone article?

Feb 15, 2007
6:17 AM EDT
>So, why does the comment point to the kernel hackers article instead of the LightZone article?

i wanted to point to the resemblance :
Quoting:And those Linux users are dedicated, assisting with bug reports, translations, and valuable feedback. "The Linux version gets us so much user connection and goodwill. A company can have a whole different kind of conversation with no-charge Linux users than it can have with supported Mac/Win users."

that's all .... ;-)

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