DEB and RPM..... Ok, really just .deb

Story: Self-Executing Application Installers in Linux: Yay or Nay?Total Replies: 1
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Mar 01, 2007
6:57 AM EDT
My biggest reason for using Debian is the effect of the Debian policies and procedures. When I install a package, it works.

I have no problems with executable extractors, for _local_ things like games and applications that I install as a user. At this moment I have Savage from S2 Games and Google Earth, both installed from self-executing installers, and both in my home directory.

(Savage, sad to say, is the only application which will lock up my system, requiring a power off. Oh well, it was fun to play for a while... I'll get Savage 2 if they ever put out a Linux version)

But testing, vetting, pre-packaging, dependency resolution, are all why I use a _Linux_Distribution_ in the first place.

I have no interest in self-extracting installers for system-wide applications.


Mar 01, 2007
7:07 AM EDT
I agree. You need some trust in the software source as well. The gpg keys in Debian or derivatives such as Ubuntu are good for that. Finally the way my system is set up if I click on a deb gdebi comes up checks dependencies and if they are in the repo it installs the software (after asking for a root password). If the dependencies are not there that is the fault of the packager....The whole thing is pretty painless when you get used to it. I don't see the need for borking your system with random software installs. It just makes updates a PITA

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