Criminy. How depressing. Microsoft is smarter than we are?

Story: It's Time We Had A TalkTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 14, 2007
2:49 AM EDT
Ken, old man... got something wrong.

The kind of brain-addled pimple-faced vandalism you've described has nothing to do with any political ideals, Haight-Ashbury or otherwise. It is, at best, mean-spirited stupidity. At worst, it is still mean-spirited stupidity. The twit or twits who did that lack the intellectual and moral capacity to have ideals, let alone to act on them. We can only hope morons of this type fail to reproduce. Darwin lives. These guys should never mate.

Second -

It's a bit depressing. That evangelism is war thing. Crap. Looks like Microsoft understands evangelism better than 98% of free software folks. I really think everybody should read it. There are a few things that obviously do not fit into free software evangelism, but...oddly....not a bad resource.

Apr 14, 2007
5:44 AM EDT got something wrong.

Oh NOW you want to bring it to my attention?

Where were you the night I was preparing to propose?

Point taken, to a point. I am responding to the dozens of emails I've received spouting the aforementioned political views...I may have mis-pegged the individuals, but the dogma exists in frightening proportions. AND...the EIW piece? I don't know why this isn't featured on more advocacy sites. You would think...


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