Great timing

Story: Capgemini and Novell Enter Broad Mixed-Source PartnershipTotal Replies: 0
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Jun 06, 2007
7:18 AM EDT
I just left Sogeti, a Capgemini company, in May.

Not the best consulting company to work for, but then is there a 'best'?. They were very disorganized and the right hand didn't seem to know what the left hand was doing.

Heck the right hand didn't seem to know what the right hand was doing!

Big Microsoft partner though.

Really pushing MS based solutions to everything.

The client I worked for had already designed their solution with IBM Z/OS backend and J2EE front end on Solaris, they hired Sogeti to implement it. Sogeti hired a bunch of us off the street to do the implementation. They didn't have enough mainframe and Java people to do it.

I guess SuSE could now be considered the "microsoft solution" to Linux.

Nice people there, just a lot of running around like chickens with no heads.

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