Linux OpenSource Tutorials

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 23
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Jul 19, 2007
11:14 PM EDT
Hi All, Can you please let me know , In which area people are facing problem in linux/open source, so I write the tutorials for same and publish. Mike

Jul 19, 2007
11:34 PM EDT
Well, judging from this thread ( and similar stories I read all over the web, Linux newbies seem to have a difficulty understanding the OSS model. Specifically that a distro repackages software for you and that you should always use the distro repository if possible. It's very confusing for a newbie who moved from Linux to understand that there are hunderds of sources for the same software package, and that they all slightly differ. In the Windows world there is only one place to get a piece of software: the upstream authors.

Not sure it would make a good tutorial, but it would make good material for a newbie guide of some sorts.

Jul 20, 2007
6:35 AM EDT
IMHO please begin with things which are very basic, such as orientation concerning the directory tree. Information concerning how to find a given file is often just assumed. And, of course let's not forget that everything is a file. One of the best absolute beginner tutorials I have found was at

Best wishes for your project. Please let us know how it turns out.

Jul 20, 2007
7:02 AM EDT
Good point. Explain to them that there is no such thing as drive letters in Linux. I get so tired of people telling me to get something off the T: network share when I ask them for something.

Jul 20, 2007
7:26 AM EDT
Hmmm. If you look at forums, and think about installing a Linux operating system what's the sequence? Download ISO, burn ISO to bootable CD/DVD, boot CD/DVD. What are the immediate issues likely to be? Failure to boot and hardware functions: video work correctly, sound, can I connect to the Internet (lan, wireless)? It seems if any these problems can't be solved quickly, the use just moves along. After these basics, then maybe a general tutorial on how the user does things in Linux that are different than the way they would do them in win.

Jul 20, 2007
7:55 AM EDT
Quoting:Download ISO, burn ISO to bootable CD/DVD, boot CD/DVD. What are the immediate issues likely to be?
"Now what?"

Nvidia. Unsupported Wifi.

"How do I get past the CUPS password and Login prompt?"

"I do $BLAH in Windows. Where's $BLAH in Linux?!?"

Frankly, I think you'd do much better by DEMANDING they go read a few newbie oriented tutorials. Start with and the website of their distribution. Tell them to learn how to use their distro's web forum/Usenet newsgroup, including the admonition that they should lurk a bit before they post. Tell them how to search explaining that their question has likely already been answered a hundred times already.

Teach them how to be systematic towards "gotchas". "It doesn't work!" What's that mean, exactly?

We can't help if we don't know what they're talking about.

Jul 20, 2007
11:35 AM EDT
Quoting:Explain to them that there is no such thing as drive letters in Linux
It is true that there is no Drive Letter in Linux, but there is an individual drive address file (/dev/sd?n) which you could explain it very simply as Zip Code address. As a matter of fact, on a dual boot system, you will find Windows mounted on C: mount point.

You can also explain that Linux can do drive letters using hard & soft links, and aliases which MS is beginning to use now on Windows server only I believe.

Concerning shares, links and NFS are like shares. So Linux is more powerful that it can do what Windows can plus a LOT more.


Jul 20, 2007
6:34 PM EDT
Thanks everyone for Inputs, Which is better Video or text?

Jul 20, 2007
7:08 PM EDT
Text, by far. It is less likely to get lost in the crowd.

Jul 21, 2007
12:30 AM EDT
Also, search engines don't index video and you want your tutorials to be found by newbies googling around.

Jul 21, 2007
9:57 AM EDT
Video you can find at I am thinking to write universal apache/php/perl/python/mysql compilation notes So, user can easily find the SO. Regards

Jul 21, 2007
12:09 PM EDT
Quoting:Which is better Video or text?

They used to say "A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words", this has been updated to "A Video Is Worth A Thousand Pictures".

People are getting lazy to read text, they like some one else to read for them while they listen. Impatient, they can get through a video a lot faster. They are more comfortable and more willing to watch a video. Most of all, people tend to absorb and remember information better when audio and video are associated together.

I say definitely go with video.


Jul 21, 2007
2:45 PM EDT
Some people seem to do well when given written instructions others when they see it being done, so it all depends. From teaching perspective I find that it's best if one can use both written and demonstration modes.

The internet being what it is I think if one can provide a combination of text and Video demonstration, that would be best.

Jul 21, 2007
6:15 PM EDT
What about topic? Or May I start with Linux for dummies?

Jul 21, 2007
8:51 PM EDT
A Linux for Dummies would be good. A good introduction that takes a person through various scenarios of installing and using Linuxes, especially with an eye to the common things that people are likely to do.

Jul 22, 2007
4:50 AM EDT
Which distribution is best to start with Debian, RedHat, Fedora, Cygwin , Ubantu or other?

Jul 22, 2007
6:04 AM EDT
Make it distro agnostic :-) Show a way that works on all distros. If they differ too much (like installing software from the command line) show the most common one's (for the software installation example: apt-get, yum/yast, compile-from-source)

Jul 22, 2007
1:16 PM EDT
Quoting:(for the software installation example: apt-get, yum/yast, compile-from-source)


Jul 22, 2007
8:41 PM EDT
Thanks Everyone, If possible; Please provide more Inputs.

Aug 06, 2007
3:01 PM EDT
Forget the tutorials, just post your phone # and I will call you when I hit a snag.

Being old and spending my work time in the sun has not helped with getting it right in Linux. Keep it simple, please.

The Ubuntu wiki: has been the best source of help so far, second is the great people on IRC.

WiFi, audio/video, seem to be common problems. Working with files (permissions) can also trip a noob.

Best of luck with this project, I will sure look at it, always hoping for that one thing that makes Linux easier.

Aug 10, 2007
6:04 PM EDT
Hi All,

I have been writing the tutorials on LDAP, QMAIL, Apache in Cluster, I havn't found tutorial on same.

Please suggest other requirements like this.

Regards Mike

Aug 11, 2007
2:04 AM EDT
In the beginning, I was a bit confused when to be root and why, and when not, and what sudo or su are. This probably should be in a newbie-tutorial too, since it normally isn't an issue in Windows.

Don't forget to publish the link to your tutorials, so LXer can do a bit of marketing for you.

Aug 11, 2007
11:02 AM EDT
One place to post your beginners introduction material would be on's "Getting Started" page. is a resource I tend to point people to who are very new, along with LXer for "the news feed".

Aug 12, 2007
12:19 AM EDT
pls send me more details/tutorial on driver update for ubuntu 6.10 at thanks!

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