Props to Carmack

Story: QuakeCon Wrapup: John Carmack comments on future of Linux and open source gaming.Total Replies: 0
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Aug 14, 2007
1:16 PM EDT
As a long time player of id games on linux, I appreciate the fact that someone of Carmack's stature has never drank the microsoft cool aid. He's arguably the best game engine designer around, and since his stuff is OpenGL, all the id games are available natively on linux. And I've wasted countless hours playing them over the years - from doom in the early 1990s, to doom II , quake in 1997, then quake2 and quake 3 and their spinoffs, to RtCW and it's derivatives.

Of course that's not to diss the great ut2000,2004 titles, those rock as well.

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