
Story: Linux - a platform for pedophiliacs?Total Replies: 3
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Sep 19, 2007
1:50 PM EDT
Dunno how that "usenet" crept into my mind - that's obviously wrong of course.

And that happened to me - who is so proud of using "the Net" since longer than when Marc invented the first browser...

See? If that can happen to me, then how should an average film maker know the IRC networks? Reminds me of the book "Surfing On The Internet" by J.C. Herz, which is still a good read after all these years.

Sep 19, 2007
2:21 PM EDT
Ya wonder if they just picked a random channel when shooting. Of course, ya gotta wonder why they chose freenode to begin with, as it's not exactly a network that comes to mind for this sort thing. Besides the strangeness of the network and channel picked, there's also the issue that they are showing the actual real activity of the channel, including the join/part messages of users including their hostmasks.. Doesn't seem exactly professional to me to be spreading that around on TV.

Sep 19, 2007
3:20 PM EDT
Right. The "hot topic" around here is that you actually see their IP addresses and nick names, and that all in the context of the ongoing discussions about the state spying on its citizens...

But then again, no real criminal would be that stupid - they would use several hops to keep the authorities from tracking them down. That seems to be the thing our politicians are missing. They might get the one or other not-so-skilled pedo, but they surely won't get Osama Bin Laden like this...

Ok, I'm drifting a bit off-topic here - it's late already in this area ;-)

Silly that the film makers didn't have the time or budget or knowledge to come up with something more interesting, and that they mixed a Linux support channel with their story. Maybe they should have consulted an experienced SysAdmin first? Just food for thought...

Sep 19, 2007
3:34 PM EDT
Or just made their own channel to use...

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