2.6.23 looking good so far

Story: Linux: 2.6.23-rc5, Kernel SummitTotal Replies: 7
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Sep 23, 2007
6:37 PM EDT
I've been playing with the 2.6.23-rc kernels and for me at any rate, rc7 has been the most solid yet (as one would hope). I've been working and playing with it for a few days now. There are a few vendor patches missing, so e.g. drdb doesn't work, and there's no apparmor module, but I can easily live without those things on my workstation.

As for the scheduler improvements. I just played a game of quake 3 arena on line while ripping an audio cd and didn't feel any loss of responsiveness at all during the game.

Luckily I've got vanilla hardware and all in-kernel drivers on this box, which makes it a lot easier to check out - too bad we'll have to wait awhile to get a distro shipping 2.6.23.

-- KDE/SuSE 10.2 - Unix since 1984, Linux since 1993, SuSE since 2004 Linux 2.6.23-rc7-default #3 SMP Wed Sep 19 20:20:53 PDT 2007 i686

Sep 23, 2007
7:36 PM EDT
Good to hear.

I've been pretty happy with rc4, will have to move up to rc7.

Sep 23, 2007
8:23 PM EDT
Quoting: dino: I've been pretty happy with rc4, will have to move up to rc7.
I'd recommend it - each -rc release has been a little better than the previous one.

Sep 24, 2007
5:00 AM EDT
>I'd recommend it - each -rc release has been a little better than the previous one.

As a rather plain vanilla desktop user (KDE+brower+Office+mythtv and a few fun things), what differences would I most likely notice?

Sep 24, 2007
8:43 AM EDT
Quoting: As a rather plain vanilla desktop user (KDE+brower+Office+mythtv and a few fun things), what differences would I most likely notice?
I'm guessing more of the same of what you saw when moving from the vendor kernel to 2.6.23-rc4, but more stable. In the earlier -rc releases, I saw some flakiness and instability with X, especially the screensaver. It's been solid with -rc7. I also added Ingo's latest scheduler fixes, which I'd expect will be in the final release. If nothing's wrong with your -rc4, might as well ride it out til final release though - if it ain't broke etc.

Sep 24, 2007
10:33 AM EDT
Anything that might improve memory use? I'm still not convinced that that vm (virtual memory, not machines) is working quite as well as it should.

Sep 24, 2007
10:50 AM EDT
As of today I'm looking forward to it. Something in Debian Unstable broke today, and I'm getting endless "hda: failed interrupt" oh well.

Hopefully, a new kernel will resolve the issue.

This is why it's called "unstable". :^)

*edit*: Never mind. Always test kernel boot parameter changes at the command line first, before putting them into grub.


Sep 24, 2007
11:37 AM EDT
memory usage? hmm, I wasn't aware of any problems with memory before, so perhaps I'm not as keenly attuned. I have a GB of RAM on my main machine, and while I do use all of it, I don't experience any thrashing. Memory usage looks sane anyway.

top - 12:34:21 up 4 days, 16:03, 10 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00 Tasks: 141 total, 1 running, 139 sleeping, 1 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 1.5%us, 1.9%sy, 3.5%ni, 92.6%id, 0.2%wa, 0.2%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st Mem: 1028008k total, 998868k used, 29140k free, 149860k buffers Swap: 1052248k total, 124k used, 1052124k free, 209800k cached

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