Actually, seems to be quite the reverse.

Story: It's Time to Get Over MicrosoftTotal Replies: 7
Author Content

Nov 19, 2007
12:28 PM EDT
From the hard-htting HackFUD piece 'InformationWeek Lets Microsoft’s Bill Hilf Try To Scare You.. Yeah. Right.' at MS-HilfBilly's FUD/IP-threat attacks on FOSS clearly demonstrate that MS SURE AINT GETTIN' OVER FOSS ANYTIME SOON, NO WAY!!

( this HackFUD piece also posted to LXer courtesy of itron at )

Nov 19, 2007
1:50 PM EDT
He has a few very good points, the constant references to Windoze and M$ and Micro$oft are really annoying, and such references don't have anything but a negative impact where it matters. It simply sounds/looks juvenile, and contributes nothing useful to the debate.

Sites like Boycott Novell and the even more childish SuSEBlog merely reinforce the stereotytpe that the Linux FOSS community are a bunch of obsessive childish freaks.

Nov 19, 2007
4:09 PM EDT
Quoting:He has a few very good points, the constant references to Windoze and M$ and Micro$oft are really annoying, and such references don't have anything but a negative impact where it matters.
Nope, not true. AAMOF, KC has MORE than a "few good points"....... strong points against MS's FUD tactics mentioned from top to bottom throughout the ENTIRE HackFUD piece. All of these strong points are made WITHOUT(!) a single mention of the "Windoze and M$ and Micro$oft" terms that carry such a supposedly "negative impact where it matters". You should re-read this HackFUD piece, also currently found directly at

Quoting:Sites like Boycott Novell and the even more childish SuSEBlog merely reinforce the stereotytpe that the Linux FOSS community are a bunch of obsessive childish freaks.
Why at all stop there with "bunch of obsessive childish freaks" ?? Similar and supposedly more "neutral" voices within the grander debate(s) regarding Proprietary Software vs FOSS, somehow manage to CONTINUE stereotyping even less-extreme Linux FOSS supporters on LXer as "fanbois", "fanatics", "radical/reactionary zealots", "hippies", "Communists", ... etcetera, etcetera.

Tuxchick recently commented at
Quoting:The best software in the world is useless against corrupt laws, a corrupted standards process, rampant anti-customer collusion, a broken patent system, and unopposed FUD and propaganda. Most FOSS users are able to ignore microsoft and its evil antics because of the people who are doing the hard work fighting all that garbage on their behalf. It doesn't "just happen." It takes hard work and dedication.
Your so-called "bunch of obsessive childish freaks" may very well consist of some of those hard-working and dedicated "people who are doing the hard work" on YOUR behalf "fighting all that garbage [doled out by MS]".


Nov 19, 2007
4:23 PM EDT
Quoting:You should re-read this HackFUD piece

I thought the HackFUD peice was very well written, it did exactly what I would have expected, it analysed the FUD and stripped it bare without once slipping in to the childish or juvenile.

Boycott Novell and SuSEBLOG did exactly what I'm complaining about.

Quoting:Your so-called "bunch of obsessive childish freaks" may very well consist of some of those hard-working and dedicated "people who are doing the hard work" on YOUR behalf "fighting all that garbage [doled out by MS]".

The "bunch of obsessive childish freaks" are doing nothing on my behalf, they are simply making it harder for me to promote Linux and FOSS in a Business owned by someone who thinks that if you don't pay for it and get an encypted key so you can use it, you don't have real software. In fact it's those "obsessive childish freaks" that the business owner refers to every time the subject of Free Software comes up.

Nov 19, 2007
4:34 PM EDT
Quoting: In fact it's those "obsessive childish freaks" that the business owner refers to every time the subject of Free Software comes up.
Oh come on, "the business owner" is not bothered by the torrents of nonsense and lies that flood from Redmond on a daily basis, or the childish behavior of its president and CEO, or their daily ration of dirty deeds? Get a grip, folks, a few foamy FOSS fanbois are not the problem.

Nov 19, 2007
5:51 PM EDT
>"the business owner" is not bothered by

The business owner is bothered by stuff that doesn't work, costs that go out of control, etc. I've known lots of business folk -- owners, executives, just plain old managers -- who are bothered by Microsoft's perpetual push to upgrade, to raise prices, to further restrict licenses, etc.

Interestingly, I don't think they much listen to the Microsoft blather any more. Too many broken promises over too many years. Break my heart.

Nov 19, 2007
6:12 PM EDT
Quoting:In fact it's those "obsessive childish freaks" that the business owner refers to every time the subject of Free Software comes up.
To build upon tuxchick's above response, DOUBLE nonsense on this! Again, refer to KC's HackFUD piece on HilfBilly's MS-FUD:
Quoting:Hilf: We just had a bunch of our global account managers in with us, people who handle our super big customers, and they said, these customers don’t even know who Richard Stallman is, they don’t even care. They’ve chosen Linux or Apache or open source in general because of a few simple reasons: either price, or functionality, they want a more modular system or they want something that has a smaller footprint, there are certain needs that they have that are satisfied by that type of software. Turning to the product that we’re releasing, we said what do people really like about Linux servers, what do they really like about Unix servers? They like having a modular system that has a small footprint. They like having a great command line environment that allows a power user to do a lot of scripting and command line things that are not UI-based. That’s what we built [Windows Server 2008] with Server Core and PowerShell and new technologies that support PHP better in IIS 7 [Internet Information Services]. For us, it’s not a religion, there’s literally feature requests from customers showing up in some of our competitive products, we said great, people want this stuff.
HilfBilly indirectly accusing those not with MS as part of a "religion" eh?? Oh boy! KC commentary on this right here
Quoting:They’ve “chosen Linux or Apache or open source in general” because of quite a few, varied reasons, and it’s not a case of “price”, OR “functionality”, either. Other reasons for choosing Apache might to do with it being a truly Open Source project, for example. Can anyone see the code for IIS and change that code to their own needs? Oh, and for the vast majority of people, FOSS isn’t a religion either.
Right on! And without name-calling too. Neiither ""obsessive childish freaks" nor those who consider FOSS as a religion; varied and REAL non-anti-MS reasons for adopting FOSS instead !!!

As a related aside, LXer has a Latest Newswire posting 'Let Emacs help you out with assistance from the editor', courtesy of solrac. The very creator of GNU emacs, Richard Stallman, has certainly been referred to in similarly negative terms as an "obsessive childish freak" in the past.

Nov 19, 2007
6:53 PM EDT
Quoting:Oh come on, "the business owner" is not bothered by the torrents of nonsense and lies that flood from Redmond on a daily basis, or the childish behavior of its president and CEO, or their daily ration of dirty deeds?

Some Business owners (this one in particular) believe that Microsoft can do no wrong, and the Rumours of that person from redmond throwing chairs is just that a rumour put about by "obsessive childish freaks", with too much time on their hands. That the Monkey Boy story is just some "obsessive childish freaks" taking a simple rev up troops bit of tom foolery way out of context and throwing it all over the web. That if you don't have to pay for it it must be as valuable as it costs - that you get what you pay for. which is why said Business owner will scour the web for a proprietary application, that he has to pay a license fee for, to get an encrypted key, so he can use it, in order to do something I've already done using the GIMP.

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