NMa let me down in the past, forget about them

Story: There is nothing wrong with the Dutch software market. At least according to the Dutch Cartel OfficeTotal Replies: 2
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Dec 25, 2007
4:23 PM EDT
Once, I called the NMa, asking how to make a complaint about pre-installed sofware, but before making the call I found out for myself much as I could about the complaining process.

Because I didn't buy a PC/laptop, I wasn't a 'harmed party'. If you're not a harmed party, you cannot file a complaint. But, that is possible if you have a foundation with a certain interest, and certain practices harm that particular interest. So I figured out I needed a 'foundation against pre-installed software'. However, establishing a foundation costs money - it seemed at first. But only if you go to the civil law notary (look it up at WP if you're from US, believe it doesn't exist over there) to let them confirm your 'act', your foundations goals and rules. Because I didn't want to spend much money for a civil law notary (they have a state monopoly, so they are very expensive), the only thing left for me to do was establish a foundation without a 'notary act', put the foundations goals in that act, and after that, my foundation would be a harmed party, and I would have met all requirements to file a legal complaint. Then NMa would have be obliged to deal with my complaint and give some Genuine® answers.

So I called NMa and asked to the telephonist at the other side of the line if it was possible to file a complaint using a foundation without a "notary's act" as a kind of vehicle. It turned out I knew more about this matter than she did. Also, I read at the site of the NMa before, 'pre-installed software' wasn't one of their primaries to investigate. Two of the Linux/Unix User Groups and 'other important open source individuals' also filed their concerns with the pre-installed business to the NMa, after the NMa asked for input on what their focus would be next year. Though they were asked several times, still no research. The requests ranged from coming from user groups to individuals, to the minister of economic affairs and also 'de Consumentenbond' (Dutch Consumer Union). Still no response, they 'hide' and say there is no proof. Well, that's the reason to start a research in first place, isn't it?

EU Directorate Generale for Competition (led by Mario Monti til '04, now Neelie Kroes) is the (only) way to go, and they do focus on software issues. Nice thing to do tomorrow, if I didn't leave my 'documentation' about this whole case in my 'other' apartment which is closed until 3 Jan, and didn't lose my e-mail in which I summed up all what I did mentioning dates... I wish I was organized!

(BTW: OK, I know I have said for at least over a year I'm going to take action, but right now it seems there are some reasonable people I can co-operate with and I have some spare time)

Dec 27, 2007
9:19 PM EDT
Quoting:So I figured out I needed a 'foundation against pre-installed software'. However, establishing a foundation costs money - it seemed at first. But only if you go to the civil law notary (look it up at WP if you're from US, believe it doesn't exist over there) to let them confirm your 'act', your foundations goals and rules.

You should go visit one of the "starter days" at the local Chamber of Commerce and have a (free) chat with one of the notaries over there. See what they can do. That's what me and a friend of mine did when we started out rather unconventional business. Our business is set up as a foundation. We were lucky enough to find a notary who'd do the paperwork for less than 250 euro. Just the basics, nothing fancy, but it works :-)

Dec 28, 2007
8:51 AM EDT
Well, I'm a member of the Dutch LUG "NLLGG" now,


probably they are willing to help me out if that would be a problem, and software freedom for new hardware should be in their charter already. However, I've had enough of the NMa for now; once I recollect my documents (which I meant / promised to scan and upload to LXer about a two months ago, those!), I will start writing a complaint. For a new article on open source in NL I am aware of the names of people who could advise / help me.

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