mplayer slave mode playlist looping

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 1
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Feb 18, 2008
11:06 AM EDT
Has anyone played with mplayer in slave mode? I'm using it for the digital sign project, and I'm at the point of actually controlling it. I have mplayer running in slave mode and using a fifo file. The problem I'm having is that I can't get it to loop a playlist via a remote command. I start mplayer with the playlist in loop mode and that works. Then I edit the list, resave it, and send the slave commands. I send "loadlist playlist.txt" and it loads the updated playlist and starts playing it. I next send "loop 0" to the fifo but it doesn't work. The playlist plays through then exits. Anybody have some insight?


Feb 18, 2008
12:20 PM EDT
Well, I kinda answered my own question. According to a short thread from last year on the mplayer users list, this is a much requested feature that has yet to be implemented. So I perl'd my way around the problem. Namely, I made an mplayer slave mode launcher script. Basic overview: Set a variable that tells whether to autoloop or not. Call sub that checks variable and calls appropriate other sub. Loop sub starts mplayer with the playlist in loop mode. Noloop sub starts mplayer with the playlist not in loop mode then calls die so the script will exit when mplayer does. After both subs the check sub is called again. :)

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