Firefox being release in the first quarter of 2008?

Story: Latest Firefox 3 beta offers exciting featuresTotal Replies: 0
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Mar 13, 2008
6:59 AM EDT
Do not be too quick to accept that assertion. Nothing I have seen nor has the author cited where this idea stems. That and other reasons make me believe that Mozilla does not intend to be that hasty. Indeed, the release of the latest beta was predicated upon there being a 5th beta. If that is still true, and the nightlies are still being referred to as prebeta5, where is the change in policy?

It took a bit of time for the beta 4 freeze and the real beta 4 to be released. I suggest going to the Mozilla forums to see the scorn heaped upon those claiming that beta 4 was out and ready for use. Some of those claims were based upon seeing the labeling on the nightlies. Well it said pre-beta 5, right? So beta 4 is out there. Sorry, past performance indicates Mozilla is not going to rush the release candidates out prematurely. There were at least 8 alpha versions! Beta 4 was not expected, hence, when one writer claims release is imminent that is an assertion that should be viewed with skepticism.

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