What's the point?

Story: Open Graphics Project to Announce Pre-OrdersTotal Replies: 2
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Apr 12, 2008
5:47 PM EDT
Having semi-open hardware and specs available is nice, but what is the point in the current market? OGD was obsoleted when Intel and AMD-ATI started releasing specs. Nobody prints their own hardware and FOSS drivers can be made with specs.

Who buys a $1,500 card, when it is stone age compared to an off the shelf $80 card with vendor encouraged FOSS drivers? Hardware enthusiasts, maybe. OGD is irrelevant for the majority of FOSS users.

Apr 12, 2008
10:27 PM EDT
I disagree. You see, having hardware with specs wide open can mean longevity. Yes, there's ATI and Intel, but..... there's also only nvidia as competition as well. That's only two major vendors if you leave out Intel. Via/S3 needs to get their act together concerning video as well. Let's face it, we need some more competition (I wish Matrox would jump back into the arena too)....

Apr 13, 2008
6:48 AM EDT
Ideologically, OGP and the OGD1 may be interesting, but practically, a sub-par graphics card for $ 1,500 is not competition.

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