4 days until...

Story: 4 days until Ubuntu’s Hardy Heron takes offTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 20, 2008
3:38 PM EDT
4 days until all we'll see is scores of articles telling us how to do "X" in Ubuntu 8.04 along with the proverbial "179 days until Intrepid Ibex" countdown.

Ubuntu is riding the crest of a wave that it can only ride for so long before it has to settle down and produce incremental updates. It appears that Shuttleworth is trying to invent something with every release to outdo his last one.

Sooner or later, Ubuntu has to mature and settle into predictable, incremental features and benefits instead of the latest and greatest whiz-bang stuff.

A nice distro however...

Apr 20, 2008
5:02 PM EDT
I agree, all the distros put their pants on one leg at a time, but ubuntu is well put together. I chose not to wait, and installed the release candidate on my laptop yesterday. After some initial difficulty with disk partitioning, it installed nicely, and I assume an incremental update will bring everything in line once the final release is out.

I thought my existing distro of choice did a pretty fair job with the broadcom wireless, but hardy heron has it beat. I'll be looking closely at this release in the coming weeks and pondering a distro shift.

Apr 20, 2008
5:33 PM EDT
Yeah it really is an excellent release. I started moving away from Ubuntu after Dapper came out. Then Edgy was released and I was done with Ubuntu within two days.

I didn't do much with Feisty or Gutsy, but have played with Hardy for about a week, and really like what I see. One thing I've noticed is that the quality of the packages has improved a lot. I installed everything I use regularly and had zero problems.

I went from Ubuntu to Debian and now I could move back in the other direction. It's a three-distro race now between Ubuntu, Mandriva and Arch. Windows users don't know what they're missing when the only problem is that three distros do everything I ask with almost no maintenance.

I'm leaning towards Hardy only because of its long lifetime. Arch has given me only a few minor problems, but I have too much stress using a rolling release system on a work machine. There will be no problems getting updates of packages for Hardy, so I can use it at the office for the next two years without a reinstall.

Apr 20, 2008
9:34 PM EDT
Remember -- this is an LTS -- a long-term support release with three years of updates on the desktop. So it is supposed to be more conservative than the usual Ubuntu release; I don't think they followed that one ....

But I'm glad they're pushing it a bit, since with more than six months of life, it should get better as the release matures a bit. That's the theory anyway.

So far, 6.06 runs better for me.

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