Background problems with this

Story: 2008 Community Choice AwardsTotal Replies: 10
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Jun 06, 2008
9:53 AM EDT
I got emailed about this SF community choice awards nominations too.

It certainly has all the right buzzwords: "sourceforge", "open source project", "community choice", and "nominations" which could leading to a possibly democratic voting process. Yet when you look at the actual sponsors of this "community" endeavor, lo and behold, the key sponsor prominently displayed is M$!!! What a surprise (or not).

I guess that the big tipoff in this is the actual language prompting for the SF nominations here: "Are you sick of letting the big hardware companies, tech blogs, and mainstream media decide which open source projects deserve widespread attention?" Notice how conspicuously in this that there is no mention of big software companies such as M$. How convenient! /sarcasm M$ painfully knows that it is not a hardware company (Vista compatibility anyone?) Tech blogs such as LXer deservedly continue to call out and reveal M$haft's subtle and not-so-subtle Embrace/Extend/Extinguish tactics M$ is certainly aware of the mainstream media's news of Vista's failure and FOSS applications' increasing successes (e.g., Linux).

This all leads me to believe that the ultimate object of this M$-sponsored nominations initiative is to pick off FOSS project development and developers one by one and ensnare them.

Interoperabiility of FOSS projects with M$-ware is one of the buzzwords of M$ deception in similar such announcements. Embrace FOSS development and developers, Extend and improve FOSS, then make it incompatible with M$haft's "improvements" and effectively Extinguish it.

Hey! You! It's M$'s applied formula for success.


Jun 06, 2008
10:08 AM EDT
It appears that MS is a rather large sponser of SF as I've noticed that my mailing list stuff from projects generally has "this email sponsored my MS" or something to that effect in the tag.

I kind of wonder if this is part of the whole "get friendly with foss devs so they'll stop writing stuff primarily for *nix and write their stuff primarily for windows instead" strategy of trying to fight *nix....


Jun 06, 2008
11:05 AM EDT
/me hands flufferbeer the tinfoil.

Jun 06, 2008
11:41 AM EDT
@azertoth Will take a pair of these tinfoil objects if you please. One for each foot so I can safely maneuver around the heaps 'o M$ FUD......LOL /humor

Jun 06, 2008
12:44 PM EDT
@techiem2 I think there was some news story or OpEd post on LXer on M$'s multi-pronged strategy to lure developers away from *nix. Besides its continued FUD, such as the vague IP Patent threats M$ still wants to hang over FOSS companies, there were other higher-level strategies that were mentioned in the post by some M$ bigwig, and also another strategy besides this falsely-fossdevs-friendly one (not really a tongue-twister) of the "community nomination" initiative. Cannot find this post at the present time, but I'm sure someone will find it before /me. -fb

Jun 06, 2008
12:54 PM EDT
OK, I did my part and played along. I nominated several linux distros, and nothing else. Let's see what they do with that!

I'm not being disingenuous, because IMHO the killer app of linux is linux itself, and If ms wants to start shipping ms linux, then they can knock themselves out - that would be funny to watch.

Jun 06, 2008
6:23 PM EDT
Quoting:I'm not being disingenuous, because IMHO the killer app of linux is linux itself, and If ms wants to start shipping ms linux, then they can knock themselves out - that would be funny to watch.
The irony of this is that to a very limited degree, Novell's SLED and SLES _are_ acting as prototypes of an MS-Linux Desktop and Server "distro". Please review these particular recent developments, among other behind-the-scenes events : - 'Novell ushers in Moonlight', , submitted courtesy of LXer's own Editor-in-Chief Scott_Ruecker - 'Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant "Radioactive" ' , , submitted to LXer courtesy of tuxchick - 'Novell joins Microsoft in Anti-Linux FUD', , submitted to LXer courtesy of hchaudh1

This is addition to various other open-source "alternative" software licenses Microsoft may be more actively promoting upon businesses already managing mixed-OS environments.


Jun 06, 2008
10:12 PM EDT
Hey azerthoth, I hope you brought enough tinfoil for the whole class, this is going downhill really fast.

Jun 06, 2008
11:30 PM EDT
dumper -

There isn't that much foil to be found.

Couldn't help myself -- actually followed vainrveenr's third link.


Hats ain't enough. Methinks somebody needs a tin-foil pavillion.

Jun 07, 2008
9:02 AM EDT
Looks like I need to head off to the resteraunt supply house and start buying in bulk.

I would like to point out one thing that no one else has mentioned during this whole discussion, for this conspiracy theory to actually play out, the other sponsors have to be implicated as being in collusion with this nefarious plan.

The original tin foil comment was injected as a bit of humor ... I'm not so sure now.

Jun 07, 2008
9:20 AM EDT
> the other sponsors have to be implicated as being in collusion with this nefarious plan.

No, not really - they are most likely just naive, well-meaning tools.

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