I can't figure out how he links points a, b, c, d, etc.

Story: The Fall of Google, the Rebirth of Microsoft and the Changing Face of Apple and LinuxTotal Replies: 8
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Jul 14, 2008
11:06 AM EDT
And I still can't figure out what MS Equipt is really all about. Is it a box of MS Office, or is it a Web-based product with a boxed component? Just having a subscription-based, boxed software product doesn't seem to be any kind of Google-killer.

Jul 14, 2008
11:14 AM EDT
You're expecting Enderle to make sense???

Jul 14, 2008
11:33 AM EDT
OK, I have made some really rambling posts and blog entries before. I however don't put myself forward as a journalist, analyst, or professional in this field (or journalist or analyst in any field). Rob's article here makes me think of a shotgun loaded with drool. You can hit a lot of targets with one shot but everyone will look at you and say "Thats disgusting, funny, but disgusting."

Jul 14, 2008
12:59 PM EDT
Rob Enderle is the Gallagher of IT.

Watermelon anyone?

Jul 14, 2008
1:34 PM EDT
Thank you LXer for introducing me to the phenomenon that is Rob Enderle. I eagerly read his blogs and, so far, they've never failed to put a smile on my face. Amusing as ever. Keep it up, Rob :thumbsup:

Jul 14, 2008
7:53 PM EDT
Will 2nd, 3rd, 4th... this. How bad Rob Enderle describes Google as and how mahvellous, just mahvellous M$ Equipt is. Oh please! Equipt is ill-equipped and non-hip; get a grip M$ mothershipt.

Rob should compile as the enderle daemon, enderled, any service he does for Linux. runlevel 0 or 6 I'd say, so his insights are endured for the briefest amounts of time before disappearing.


Jul 17, 2008
9:57 AM EDT
This writer is a complete dumba$$. What a hypocrite. Google should apparently spend more money to take care of its employees kids, but Apple is wrong for charging too much for its iPhone? Ok, so companies should charge less, but pay more to their workers? I suppose he thinks he should get paid to sit on his butt at home and watch TV also?

Jul 17, 2008
10:29 AM EDT
I don't usually bother commenting on an Enderle, but seriously, who's going to shed tears for Google employees? I don't have any hard data, but my guess is that they are paid pretty well relative to the average IT company. They're serious snobs in an attempt to hire "only the best". If Google's employees are that good, they can get a job somewhere else.


Jul 17, 2008
12:20 PM EDT
Quoting:If Google's employees are that good, they can get a job somewhere else.

Well, based on stories about Google's offices... Do those "somewhere else" companies treat their employees like Google does? BTW: In my current workplace (where I've been working for less that two months) there is a guy who apparently refused an offer from Google. My coworkers are joking that he's *that* good ;)

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