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Story: Make OpenOffice Work For YouTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Aug 12, 2008
5:44 AM EDT
...so they can show 20 pages of ads for this article. He lost me at page three...pointless drivel up to then touting basic functionality. Yes, OOo 3 has great potential and is going to be a very nice office suite...but this is just blatantly designed for ad revenue.

Aug 12, 2008
3:53 PM EDT
OO.o 3 Beta does a great job of opening and saving OfficeXML files. Text doesn't quite match the MS Office formattting, but Calc looks exactly the same as the MS Office spreadsheet version.

Aug 12, 2008
6:30 PM EDT
Good to know.

Aug 12, 2008
7:41 PM EDT
> OO.o 3 Beta does a great job of opening and saving OfficeXML files.

An unsolicited testimonial:

I downloaded the Windows version of beta 2 at work today. We have a user who cannot save any changes to an Excel spreadsheet. She can open it and make the changes with no problems, but as soon as she tries to save it Excel crashes. I opened the file in Open Office and resaved it in Excel format. Now she can open, save, and change it with no problems.

Some of our locations are on Office 2003 while this one is still on Office 2000. I suspect some subtle differences in the file formats between the two versions are causing these problems, as this is the second one of this nature I've encountered in the past few weeks.

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