I'm rather disappointed with Mandriva 2009.0

Story: Mandriva 2009 RC2 ScreenShotsTotal Replies: 6
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Oct 05, 2008
8:46 AM EDT
Not because of anything Mandriva, but because of KDE4. The more I work with KDE4, the more dissatisfied I become with it. Things that are really easy in KDE3 are much more difficult in KDE4. For example, the console is integrated into Dolphin, which means you can no longer launch a seperate Konsole application from the Filemanager. Gone are the intuitive functionalities, to be replaced with pale crippled shadows of the formaer KDE3. In return we get a lot of froth and very little substance.

Oct 05, 2008
9:29 AM EDT
> but because of KDE4

Have you tried removing KDE4 and installing KDE 3? If so, how does it work?

Oct 05, 2008
9:34 AM EDT
No not yet, I've really been trying to work with KDE4. I think KDE 3.5.10 is the option, I may give it a go.

Oct 05, 2008
10:25 AM EDT
> I may give it a go.

Please let folks know how it works. I'm sure there are a lot of people interested.

Oct 05, 2008
4:27 PM EDT
I tried RC2 and installed KDE3 today.. It's very easy to install - you don't have to remove KDE4, but just urpmi kde3-task then it comes up as an option on boot. The down side is it's a 145M download.

After a brief play it does seem faster than KDE4 as well as way better in terms of reliability and functionality. I so wish Mandriva would offer it as an option. I couldn't agree more with tracyanne, KDE4 is quite simply not yet ready (although I do believe it will be in time).

Oct 06, 2008
12:00 AM EDT
Just a caveat the froth is very good froth. But for me it's the little things, that I used to be able to do, that I'm now forced to find other ways of doing, and so far those other ways seem so much more round about. I mentioned the Konsole being integrated into Dolphin.. a better change from launching the konsole from the konqueror tools menu, as one does with Konqueror in KDE3, would have been to integrate the Konsole launcher into to context menu, so that one could launch the Konsole with that context.

Oct 06, 2008
1:52 AM EDT
would have been to integrate the Konsole launcher into to context menu, so that one could launch the Konsole with that cont.

I've actually been beating on that horse for two years with different developers. What an intuitive, handy way to access one's terminal/console/ I personally like yakuake. I set it so a gentle bump of the top edge drops it and a mouse click outside the console field retracts it again.

Yakuake was badly broken the last time I tried 4. No, I see the direction they are going and think it might be very nice once done but until that time, 5.10 is my baby. Another nasty annoyance with 4 is having to drop to the desktop for everything. Widgets are useless if I have to plow through a dozen windows to get to them. Trying to pull it atop from the panel has crashed my entire environment over half the time. I have a superkaramba app that I've used for three years. Called ArronStat, it places a nice blue fixed bar at the very top of your screen and has almost every tool/stat you could need. Nothing in 4 has given me that convenience. I'll only continue my upgrade path of mandriva as long as the 3.5 development is easy to implement...btw, as I told TA on the phone today, the new mepis is really looking good, and it has the same rock-solid behavior it always had.


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