same FUD, different day

Story: Microsoft: We're all 'mixed source' companiesTotal Replies: 9
Author Content

Oct 18, 2008
8:46 PM EDT
You don't need an "IP agreement" to use or contribute to FOSS code. What a bunch of egg-sucking double-talking bald-faced shameless dog-kicking orphan-slapping lying weiners.

Oct 18, 2008
8:59 PM EDT
And once again they point to Novell as proof that the world would be wonderful if all these Linux companies would just sign IP agreements with them.

Oct 19, 2008
12:20 AM EDT
TC tell us how you really feel, cant tell from that comment.


Oct 19, 2008
12:51 AM EDT
The problem with Microsoft Open Source Software is that it's tied to Microsoft platforms in subtle ways. It often requires Microsoft proprietary technologies in order to function, and I don't necessarily mean that it's written in C# /.NET, if that was all then it wouldn't be a problem.

Oct 19, 2008
3:05 AM EDT
Didn't the Samba project at one time require statements from its core developers attesting that they had never worked for Microsoft or had access to Microsoft-copyrighted code?

Oct 19, 2008
7:29 AM EDT
Quoting:"If every effort to license proves not to be fruitful, ultimately we have a responsibility to customers that have licenses and to our shareholders

Wow! (The Wow starts now indeed). That statement wipes bottom dude! Let me see... They started these IP claims in 2004, and second half 2008 still sit on their wiped bottom doing exactly nothing but telling 'ultimately' they are going to do something. Let me guess... He uses 'ultimate' like it's used in the naming scheme of Vista, meaning not so ultimate at all; I mean Vista Ultimate users are still waiting for real Ultimate features. My guess is this 'ultimate' has a limit to infinity meaning the end of time. Cool, that gives us plenty of time to have this whole 'IP-system' as a state-issued prohibition on competition > down the drain so Mr. Guitierez can wipe his bottom - once again - with those totally worthless patents MS has.

Well, talking this kind of bollocks is another way to don't have to buy toilet paper.

Oct 19, 2008
11:11 AM EDT
Microsoft doesn't have any problems with people who write F/OSS software that runs on Windows.

Microsoft loves the MIT and BSD licenses, for example.

They hardly object to anything written to run on Windows, because it's written to run on WINDOWS! By definition, it's a sale for Microsoft.

What Microsoft has a problem with is the GPL. Software written under the GPL is abhorant to Microsoft.

The fact that the Linux kernel and much/most distributions of "Linux" uses the GPL is the root of their problem with it.


Oct 19, 2008
11:35 PM EDT
azerthoth, I really did exercise some restraint by not using language like "tapeworm" and "maggot."

Oct 19, 2008
11:52 PM EDT
TC, How long did you study at the Helios School of Charm and Public Speaking?

Oct 20, 2008
1:01 AM EDT
If memory serves, they are both Texans.

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