Does Linux Deliver For Small Business?

Story: Does Linux Deliver For Small Businesses?Total Replies: 5
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Nov 01, 2008
8:43 PM EDT
Quote: "The two most important bits are friendly, skilled, reliable support, and visibility. Canonical have done a great job at raising Linux's visibility. As for support, we can learn lessons from successful businesses: the successful ones wrap up everything in a nice tidy package, make it pretty, and do a lot of handholding. In contrast, an all-too-typical Linux experience is "Here's a Linux CD, now dump Windows and use Linux, and hit Google when you have problems." That doesn't work. I've known Apple fans to do the same thing-- they'll talk a friend or relative into dumping Windows for a Mac, and then they think that's enough. But it's not because there is still a learning curve, both in learning how to use the machine, and learning what other software is available. It's a whole different world."

Right again TC : The RTFM method of support doesn't work, and really never did.

Nov 01, 2008
11:01 PM EDT
> The RTFM method of support doesn't work,

Especially when the user doesn't even know how to find the "FM". It can work, if you point out how to find the relevant information, explain how they could have found it themselves, and (in many cases) explain what it means in terms they can understand.

Nov 02, 2008
7:24 AM EDT
Or if the user does'n know what RTFM means at all.

Nov 02, 2008
11:35 AM EDT
Oops, I did it again. RTFM was used as an example of attitude, not the act of reading the FM it self.

The fact is, most "users" just don't do computers like the people who build/fix/program/etc.

jd said, "and (in many cases) explain what it means in terms they can understand." Yes, that says it all, some of us need a manual to explain what the FM says.


Nov 02, 2008
12:53 PM EDT
> RTFM was used as an example of attitude, not the act of reading the FM it self.

That's what I assumed from your context.

Nov 02, 2008
4:12 PM EDT
jd, Thanks, but when I reread my post I sounded a little off key. I need to hire a writer.

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