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Story: Why You'll Buy a Netbook On Black FridayTotal Replies: 4
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Nov 15, 2008
5:53 PM EDT
Quoting:8.) Watch out for Linux. The cheapest netbooks tend to come with Linux.

In Australia they tend to be $50 to $100 more expensive with Linux. That's still a better deal, but.....

Nov 16, 2008
7:28 PM EDT
Does that also go for laptops you 'import', or isn't it possible to 'buy abroad'?

A lot of netbooks doesn't come to my country because executives and managers deem my country too small, however it's rather easy to buy those cheap Linux netbooks in another country. However, on the other hand, we were probably the only country where those cheap Linux netbooks (actuall, the worlds cheapest one I believe) was sold in the toysstore; so we may not complain.

Nov 16, 2008
8:42 PM EDT
Australian Dollar currently 66% US dollar plus shipping, usually makes it cheaper to buy the Australian deal anyway. I priced the ASUS netbook available in Oz against the ZaReason one, and it was still cheaper to by the OZ one, even taking into account remote (Australian remaote areas) shipping charges.

Nov 16, 2008
9:18 PM EDT
Those remote area shipping charges do add up, but it's understandable, as this photo of TA tending to her solar collector shows:

Nov 16, 2008
11:57 PM EDT
Sorry TC that's not me, it's my partner, she doesn't trust me with all that glass.

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