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Story: Ideas can be ownedTotal Replies: 3
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Dec 01, 2008
4:20 AM EDT
If ideas are good old private property, will everybody please refrain from using cars? At least until individual licenses are obtained for the IP from the estate of the "Neanderthal" that invented the wheel.

Dec 01, 2008
4:25 AM EDT
Problem with ideas is that I often have ideas that I think are totally original, and I feel pretty chuffed with myself, only to discover someone else already has/had a similar idea. I could claim ownership of the idea by rushing to the patent office and declaring myself the owner... but that just seems unethical.

Dec 01, 2008
4:32 AM EDT
Quoting:....but that just seems unethical.

I don't think that's ever stopped the Microsoft lawyers.

Dec 01, 2008
11:55 AM EDT
I think you totally missed the point. Saying that ideas can be owned isn't the same as saying that all other "copies" or instances of an idea are owned by you just because you came up with something same or similar in content in your own mind.

If you come up with an idea that somebody else came up with you own the idea that is in your head and that someone else owns the idea in his head. Why do both copies need to belong to only one person?

It just seems like monopolist collectivist thinking to me, which is probably better off rejected.

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