first giggle!

Story: Replacing Linux with Windows saves £1 millionTotal Replies: 5
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Dec 03, 2008
10:28 PM EDT
Poor old Microsoft, they can't even innovate some fresh new spin, they just recycle the same old worn-out nonsense over and over.

Dec 03, 2008
10:30 PM EDT
For the record --

Steve, Bill, anybody who will listen:

I will happily toss all of my Linux boxes out the door if you will save me $1,000.000. I prefer that you save me that money via a direct wire deposit to my bank account, but will not object if you save me the money in cash.

Believe me, I'm easy.

Dec 03, 2008
11:15 PM EDT
If some how those cost savings were real, I sure that it would not take many virus out breaks to wipe them out.

Dec 03, 2008
11:53 PM EDT
Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP is a load of poo, it was purchased from Great Plains, who had purchased it from a previous development shop. It is spaghetti to go.

Dec 04, 2008
3:10 AM EDT
To me it sounds like this company had just been given bad advice. There are answers and solutions ot all the non-problems he has listed, but perhaps nobody was there to offer him the same advice - ?

Dec 04, 2008
4:47 AM EDT
I bet you 10 to 1 that it was MS that did the cost comparison. Any half-competent manager would have had MS draw up only the figures for the MS solution and let someone like Red Hat or IBM draw up the numbers of a FOSS based solution.

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