What a wonder chance to really evangelise Linux.

Story: Linux - Stop holding our kids backTotal Replies: 17
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Dec 09, 2008
8:03 PM EDT
If this is handles right, it could be a great chance to evangelise Linux.

At the very least this teacher is going to lose a lot of respect from her students, as they discover that her feet are made of sand, and not something even as substantial as clay.

Go well armed Ken. Take lots of supporting evidence, of the type this teacher should have discovered, had she researched. Be sure to be in contact with the parents of the child in question to reinforce the message you originally gave them.

Dec 09, 2008
8:07 PM EDT
There were some great comments on the post. Including from an actual Mandriva Rep. I found it interesting that all the negative posts were anonymous....

Dec 09, 2008
8:32 PM EDT
I remember, many years ago when my kids were young, confronting this sort of ignorance from someone who called themselves a , "teacher." In that case, the class had been discussing where their families had come from. We were in California and one of my kids had said they were a fifth generation native Californian. The teacher quickly piped up that, "no one's family could have been in California for that long." Again, armed with no facts, not willing to find out, that teacher merely used her authority to degrade a kid who was stating a fact.

Remembering back to when I was a kid, closed minded teachers such as that, led me to quit school in my eleventh year. No challenge, no "learning." Just repeating back what a teacher believed. It took me several years and a stint in the military, before trying it again and finishing college with honors. Why? Somewhere in college, I discovered that "learning" is not merely accepting established "belief," disguised as "fact."

Teachers such as this one Ken encountered need to be put out to pasture. They don't "teach." They merely draw a paycheck, while imposing their perceptions on students, whether true or false.

Dec 09, 2008
9:40 PM EDT
Ken sure attracts the nutballs. How can anyone who has ever attended school doubt that these things happen? I still remember how my third grade teacher insisted that horses always slept standing up, and when they lay down it meant they were ill. Now I could almost excuse such determined ignorance if we had been in some giant city, but this was Pendleton, Oregon, and there were horses all over the place. Anyone with eyes could see horses lying down to snooze all the time.

Dec 09, 2008
9:47 PM EDT
My third grade teacher wouldn't let me use my left hand to write with because it was "The Devil's Hand" and she would hit me on the hand with her ruler. I had to have my Mom come down because the Principle refused to believe me.

Believe it or not I was the only southpaw at that school at the time...small town..don't ask..lol!


Dec 09, 2008
9:53 PM EDT
Scott, my kindergarten teacher did a similar thing to me, though she never hit me. So now I write with my right hand. Though I am not to bad with my left.

Dec 09, 2008
9:58 PM EDT
And you both still have devil hands.

Dec 09, 2008
10:03 PM EDT
I'm still a southpaw (and it was not because of her) but I have always been a little ambidextrous.

I played Alto and Tenor Sax, Cello, Bass and Guitar all naturally right handed but the drums (which I have played 22 years now) I cannot. I have to play the drum-kit left handed otherwise I sound like I should not be playing...lol.

There are a lot of other things I could add but why bore you with the details of my "Evil Hand"



Dec 09, 2008
10:06 PM EDT
Listen here young lady!

I will have you know that I am equally evil across the entirety of my being...wait a second..

did I just say that out loud?


Dec 09, 2008
10:08 PM EDT
Maybe we shouldn't get too specific on evil body parts.

Dec 10, 2008
10:32 AM EDT
Quoting:And you both still have devil hands.

Yes, I am very grateful that amputation of student hands had been outlawed by the time I went to school.

I shoot pool and throw a Frisbee better left handed, though I don't do either very well with either hand.

Dec 10, 2008
12:04 PM EDT
Aren't barratry and theft illegal?...

Dec 10, 2008
12:39 PM EDT
@Scott_R 1010011010

Dec 10, 2008
1:07 PM EDT
> ...though I don't do either very well with either hand.

I'm always tell people I'm somewhat ambidextrous: I do most things equally poorly with either hand. :)

Dec 10, 2008
7:22 PM EDT
I guess now I should stop wondering why so many of the kids around here are ignorant if that is typical of the quality of teachers we've got in the Austin area...


And Scott -- you weren't the only one that had that happen to them. I'm not left handed, but I am close to ambidextrous and I sometimes just spontaneously do something left handed out of sheer laziness to move things to my right hand, etc... When I was in grade school (also in a small town) there were teachers who would do the same thing if they saw you doing something left handed -- whack you across the knuckles of the left hand with a ruler. And the poor kids who really were "sinister" (no kidding, the latin word for left-handed) were openly ridiculed and made to use the crappy round nosed scissors with green plastic coated handles and the backwards desks...

Dec 10, 2008
7:29 PM EDT
Yeah, My Kindergarten Teacher tried to convince my Mom I was retarded because I couldn't cut stuff out very well.

My Mom asked her if she knew I was a lefty...blank stare from Teacher..

Next day I had my own set of "special" scissors and I wasn't retarded anymore...

I think.


like I said, the only southpaw in the whole town...ugh.

Dec 10, 2008
7:49 PM EDT
Quoting:Aren't barratry and theft illegal?...

Can't sue her for stealing licenses though; something which would have been possible if those disks contained Microsoft software.

Dec 11, 2008
3:11 PM EDT
> if that is typical of the quality of teachers we've got in the Austin area...

It's not Austin, it's public schools in general. How anyone thinks that "school" has anything to do with education is beyond me. Haven't they read the works of the people who _designed_ the public school system?

The stated purposes of the public school system were to create a mass of semi-literate factory workers and obedient foot soldiers, and ensure that they were all indoctrinated into standardized state-approved values.

Remember the old saw, "The A students go into research, and the B students end up working for the C students." So where is the room for individual accomplishment?

Oooh, there it is, over in the elite private schools that the elite send their own kids to, a-la _Scent Of A Woman_ and _The Emperor's Club_.

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