"Streaming Video" (oh, yeah, and audio)

Story: Mozilla Goes to Bat for Open-Source Video on the WebTotal Replies: 3
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Jan 27, 2009
4:55 PM EDT
Not sure if it's really odd or not, but it SEEMS odd to me that everyone seems to be focussing on the video tag support and completely glossing over the audio tag support.

Theora is okay (beats old-school mpeg1 at least) but especially after taking 8 friggin' years for Xiph to get it from "alpha 1" to a real release, it's probably going to seem a step down in quality from e.g. Flash video for most people.

On the other hand, Vorbis ought to be a definite step UP from the mp3 audio that seems most common on the internet. You'd think that would be worth playing up more than it has been.

(Yes, I get that the Freedom of Theora is the important bit rather than the video quality and I completely support it. Just curious why it seems like so few people are noticing the coming also-free upgrade in audio quality.)

Jan 27, 2009
5:01 PM EDT
Everywhere I've encountered Ogg on the web the quality has been, shall we say, less than optimal, and it won't stream. I end up having to download a file, or not viewing/listening.

Jan 27, 2009
5:06 PM EDT
If it works, having an open-source streaming solution backed by Mozilla would be great.

Tracyanne, I've had the same experience as you with Ogg streams ...

Jan 27, 2009
6:13 PM EDT
I suspect the "streaming" problem may be client-side problems (which I would hope Mozilla would ensure don't crop up), but can't say for sure as most of my Ogg use is "download-and-listen" anyway. I can say that the "oggcasts" I listen to seem to be a definite step UP in quality from equivalent-sized MP3 so far.

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