Everybody who does a distro learns something

Story: Distribution VariationTotal Replies: 1
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Sep 20, 2009
10:21 PM EDT
The existence of hundreds and hundreds of distros proves that hardly anyone is satisfied with the status quo. This is in stark contrast to what corporations *cough*MSFT*cough* would have use believe, with their usual "single operating system"/"all the wood behind one arrow" sort of propaganda.

We see the same sort of thing proving that the "standardized desktop" weenies of the mid-to-late-nineties (the woodenheads behind "CDE" and "Motif") were dead wrong: outside of the KDE vs Gnome thing, there's now a vibrant market in X11 Window Managers.

The fact of the matter is that everyone who does a distro, even if it only has 10 or 11 users, and everyone who does a window manager, even if it has only 1 or 2 users, learns a lot. The world has a depth and breadth of software design and development experience that people put really good stuff out there for free. You'll notice that the "software crises" of the 80s never really materialized: more people got into it than they predicted.

Sep 20, 2009
11:35 PM EDT
Quoting: The fact of the matter is that everyone who does a distro, even if it only has 10 or 11 users, and everyone who does a window manager, even if it has only 1 or 2 users, learns a lot. The world has a depth and breadth of software design and development experience that people put really good stuff out there for free.

Nodding vigorously in agreement.

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