Wow, this really s...

Story: KDE 4.4 Address Book to use Akonadi Total Replies: 5
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Oct 04, 2009
4:00 PM EDT
A while ago I compiled && installed KDE4. I was a bit frustrated that it needed to compile and install whole MySQL. Reason: Akonadi needs it. Then the kontact Personal Information Manager 'suite' couldn't start. Basically because MySQL wasn't configured correctly. It took lots of searching on the net and an 'obscure' hack (it wasn't that obscure, but to the modern "average KDE user" it will probably be) to fix the issue. I can't even find the text file I changed anymore. Just adding a # fixed the issue however.

Akonadi also imported my old settings from time to time, while you would think 'migrating' should only be needed once. And starting it up also takes some time.

Now it finally proves out all of this was a 'currently useless resource hogwash' as pointed out by some helpful commenter. In other words: Whole MySQL and Akonadi was doing noithing, if I understand this all correct.

Then why didn't they just leave it out of KDE 4.{0-3} ?

Oct 04, 2009
6:08 PM EDT
Quoting:I was a bit frustrated that it needed to compile and install whole MySQL. Reason: Akonadi needs it.
You had to compile and install mysql by hand? How odd, what distro are you using? (I had to ask, since for most linux users this sort of thing is a quick yum install, apt-get or zypper install command)

Oct 04, 2009
6:51 PM EDT
hkwint and there is no way to build it without Akonadi .. I did the same thing for 4.2.

herz, why Gentoo of course, where you go when your are done with your binary training wheels :)

Oct 04, 2009
10:03 PM EDT
Quoting:herz, why Gentoo of course, where you go when your are done with your binary training wheels :)
Ah, quite right. I've been meaning to give gentoo a whirl, once I get enough spare time....

Oct 05, 2009
9:26 AM EDT
> I've been meaning to give gentoo a whirl, once I get enough spare time....

I've been thinking that Linux From Scratch looks interesting. Right, when I'm finished raising my kids. Then I'll have the time.

Oct 05, 2009
9:46 AM EDT
When saying 'it needed to compile & install", 'it' refers to the Portage system used by Gentoo. It's done 'automatically' when installing KDE4.2, but it needs some time nonetheless and pulls in other dependency's.

I'm thinking about switching to Kubuntu, but most Linux distro's lock you in to a different degree, and switching is not always easy. Given my current RAID0/LVM setup spanning across my 4HD's, switching needs some planning first.

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