
Story: Windows 7 borrowed 'look' of MacTotal Replies: 3
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Nov 14, 2009
2:35 PM EDT
And they both borrowed it from * pffft. :P These always amuse me. They come out with fancy new bling on the desktop, call it "innovation" and use it for all sorts of marketing. We look at our desktops and go "um...they're just coming out with that? I've been able to do that for years....on 1/4 the hardware requirements...."

Nov 14, 2009
10:56 PM EDT
Here's the rebuttal, by one one Brandon LeBlanc, of the Window Steam Blog (?):

Some of the comments on Brandon LeBlanc's post are priceless. Don't miss 'em!

Right, Brandon, right. The Windows 7 UI appeared out of your foreheads, fully formed.

Nov 14, 2009
11:19 PM EDT
And according to "Dealers of Lightning," IIRC, both BillG and Steve Jobs got their original GUI ideas from the Xerox Alto, independently of each other.

Thank heavens it's all just math, anyway...

Nov 15, 2009
5:20 AM EDT
No, the idea wasn't from *Nix, BillG, Apple, or Xerox. The idea came from the chick on the commercial that said it was her idea.

Seriously, I love those commercials. I personally wouldn't be on TV saying Windows Anything was my idea; people would know who to blame later!

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