
Story: Canonical To Bring Closed Source Apps Like iTunes And Photoshop To Ubuntu?!?!Total Replies: 5
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Jan 16, 2010
8:21 PM EDT
I wonder how they plan to accomplish this?

Jan 16, 2010
9:02 PM EDT
Things like Skype are in Linux. I don't see why iTunes can't follow that same path. And paid software such as Photoshop isn't verboten. Adobe could make quite a bit of money if they so chose.

Jan 18, 2010
9:52 AM EDT
It's just a blog post by some random guy (such as my comment right now). Notice the excessive use of punctuations in the article's title. Canonical doesn't "bring" iTunes and Photoshop to Ubuntu, they do not own those softwares. Apple and Adobe does, if those companies see profit in linux market then they would release linux version and they should have long ago. Though it could be slightly hard to persuade a linux user to pay $700 for a software when he/she got the entire linux distro and a couple thousand of softwares for free.

My guess is one day Wine will be good enough that it can support iTunes and newer version of Photoshop anyway.

Also people shouldn't be surprised if propriety comes to Ubuntu. Ubuntu shipped with Mono depended applications, Mono is essentially a technology to use Microsoft .NET technology in linux environment and written in C#. If I was to purge all Mono packages from my Ubuntu, then half of the softwares I'm currently using wouldn't work anymore. An operating system thought to be free depended on Microsoft technology.

Lastly, if people spend a little more time familiarizing with Gimp and manually reorganize it's whole interface to look more like Photoshop (without needing Gimpshop), then they would realize it's a very good software and support formats and features that Photoshop doesn't due to it's embracing of opensource. Although I do think the standard interface of Gimp needs an overhaul, which is what they're doing with version 2.8 with the single window interface.

PS. Get rid of bloated crap iTunes and start learning to use foobar2000, which works very well under Wine.

Jan 18, 2010
10:14 AM EDT
I want SKYPE 'native' on linux !!! ;-P I want to 'native skyping' via my laptop or netbook and see my mommy live when i call her !!! ;-P Just like this 'skype on TV' :

Jan 18, 2010
2:31 PM EDT
You can get proprietary software for Ubuntu, from Canonical. They have free stuff in a repository (Adobe Flash and Reader, Opera, etc), and you can get paid stuff from the Canonical store, like the fluendo codecs, and PowerDVD for your media needs.

If this is something that Canonical is going to work on, it will be to persuade, and perhaps offer developer to time porting the apps.

It seems odd that Photoshop hasn't been ported, Linux is used quite a bit in movie production and film editing so the professionals are using Linux, but they also have to use Windows or Mac because for stills editing they need to, unless they are using Gimp, but considering how many necessary features Gimp is missing it is not being used.


Jan 19, 2010
9:42 AM EDT
Quoting:My guess is one day Wine will be good enough that it can support iTunes and newer version of Photoshop anyway.

Disney already accomplished Photoshop on Wine (because they standardizen on Linux), but I'm not sure if they 'gave back' to Wine.

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