fertile ground

Story: When Linux Nerds Choose Mates from the Linux Herd...Total Replies: 30
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Feb 09, 2010
12:37 PM EDT
Given that LXer is home to some of the smartest people in the "bid'ness" I will ask you to contribute your geeky pickup line here. These of course will be shamelessly plagiarized and used in an upcoming blog of helios. Of course I will link back to this thread...would I ever plagiarize? I mean, this question coming from the guy who coined the phrase "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"...

Personally, I thought "your home directory or mine was pretty decent.


Feb 09, 2010
1:05 PM EDT
Any bad line about a "fat pipe"...

Feb 09, 2010
2:40 PM EDT
Pick-up line? I gave up on that with ICQ.

Heck, I can't even get Java to work in my Mom's Iceweasel.

Yes, I'm still my Mom's sysadmin.

Feb 09, 2010
3:20 PM EDT
Bwahahaha. I spent six hours yesterday setting up Mom's new Asus Eee Box PC with Fedora 12.

I was very pleased when, at 1:30am, I finally shut it down, a job well done. And I got home just a little after the snow started.

Feb 09, 2010
6:12 PM EDT
"You can be replaced with a small shell script."

Oh wait, that's a go-away line.


Feb 09, 2010
6:22 PM EDT
tc, since you live on a farm/ranch, you could probably come up with something that blurs the meaning of "pick-up line".

EDIT: Also, for extra giggles, take a look at the title of this thread.

Feb 09, 2010
6:32 PM EDT
no one brought up being able to fsck all night long and on command?

Feb 09, 2010
6:38 PM EDT
gus. We don't have pick ups here, we have utes, so that one doesn't work here.


Feb 09, 2010
7:18 PM EDT
Quite true, gus, LXer is chock-full of fertile ground...

Feb 09, 2010
8:13 PM EDT
@azertoth, Good one! :)

Here is another good one I heard from someone else: Man to Woman: Are you 'top'less by 'ps -aux' when at /home/your ?? Woman to Man: Wanna 'gunzip -f' my back once we get to ~/my and find out ??

Unghh.... -fb

Feb 10, 2010
1:24 PM EDT
Quoting:Given that LXer is home to some of the smartest people in the "bid'ness"


"Are you in Mensa too?"

(For the record: I'm not, but I passed the qualification test and finished it almost before time. But after it I lost all the respect I held for Mensa, so I refused to join when they sent an invitation letter.)

Quoting:no one brought up being able to fsck all night long and on command?

Or: "can I install my rootkit in your kernel?" (Ignoring the fact, that "kernel" is rather a male thing, at least as translated to my language...)

Feb 10, 2010
2:48 PM EDT
/home/your ! /home/mine

Feb 10, 2010
3:14 PM EDT
We can't miss this classic:

unzip strip touch finger grep mount fsck more yes fsck,fsck,fsck umount sleep

(Although, one should never fsck while mounted, except as read-only.)

Feb 11, 2010
7:21 AM EDT
@pengiunist: Shouldn't that be "/home/your || /home/mine" (with || as binary OR)? Usually ! means NOT.

And also:

Man: SYN? Woman: ACK!

Feb 11, 2010
2:52 PM EDT
Man: SYN? Woman: ACK!

You've obviously heard about some of my dates...


Feb 11, 2010
4:17 PM EDT
Quoting:Man: SYN? Woman: ACK!

There supposed to be a SYN-ACK in between :)

Feb 11, 2010
5:45 PM EDT
You know...this thread is beyond pitiful No wonder we're all still single, living on Cheetos in our mom's basements.

Feb 11, 2010
6:40 PM EDT
I live on my own, thankyouverymuch.

And I already tried the marriage thing. As I figured, I wasn't missing much.

Feb 11, 2010
6:50 PM EDT
Hey now, I have my own room! I keep the servers and piles of old parts in the basement...... :P


Feb 11, 2010
9:55 PM EDT
> ...this thread is beyond pitiful No wonder we're all still single, living on Cheetos in our mom's basements.

I am? Someone should tell my wife. :)

Of course, she's enjoying sunny SC at the moment, while I'm buried under 16" of snow in WV, so maybe there's some truth to be found there. And some Cheetos would be good right now, if I didn't have to walk half a mile to get to my car since I can't get it back into my house because of the snow and ice. :(

> And I already tried the marriage thing. As I figured, I wasn't missing much.

It all depends on finding the right person gus3. As with so much in life.

Feb 12, 2010
3:11 AM EDT
I don't live with my mom!! My mom lives with me ;)

Quoting:It all depends on finding the right person

The question is: what is the type of the right person for a geek?

Feb 12, 2010
3:25 AM EDT
Quoting:what is the type of the right person for a geek?
Someone with a sense of aesthetics, and also a sense of humor.

The first thirteen episodes of The Big Bang Theory should shed some light.

Feb 12, 2010
11:40 AM EDT
My mistake when younger was thinking that sex and marriage had some kind of causative relationship.

And my Mom is only visiting, really, in order to get a new laptop up and working with Linux.

Feb 12, 2010
12:26 PM EDT
> My mistake when younger was thinking that sex and marriage had some kind of causative relationship.

Only if the father owns a shotgun. :)

Feb 12, 2010
12:59 PM EDT
Quoting:The question is: what is the type of the right person for a geek?

Not that hard: -Wait for some new Apple pile of plastic horse.... to be released. iTab, iPad or what's it called will be fine. -Find the first person in the row of the opposite sex, -That one will be interested in fashion / art (which you as a geek lack) and probably have some social skills too, while at the same time care about gadgets. -Best part: That person will not mind if you digitally restrict him / her and act like her manager to what he / she may / can or may not / cannot do.

If you want something more romantical, go to the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, because they will have Duran Duran performing - while you and your 'partner to be' still being able to try lots of new gadgets.

Feb 12, 2010
5:24 PM EDT
Quoting:The first thirteen episodes of The Big Bang Theory should shed some light.

In fact I'm in the process of watching them :)

"-Why can't all guys be like you? -Because if all guys were like me the human race would not survive?"

I think I can relate to that...

Feb 12, 2010
6:36 PM EDT
/me munches Cheetos and looks for something to read.

Feb 18, 2010
8:46 AM EDT
Quoting:this thread is beyond pitiful No wonder we're all still single, living on Cheetos in our mom's basements.

Quoting:The question is: what is the type of the right person for a geek?

A geek of course. Like my girlfriend. When she read this thread she had to laugh even harder than me :-D

Feb 18, 2010
10:47 AM EDT
> A geek of course. Like my girlfriend.

And like my wife. :)

Feb 18, 2010
11:05 AM EDT
And like my ex.

Feb 18, 2010
7:19 PM EDT
I let my partner know she's a geek.

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