I'm curious...is this a new thing for KDE4 ?

Story: How to Manage Removable Devices in KDETotal Replies: 3
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May 24, 2010
6:53 PM EDT
Unless I am so wrong, what is being described for KDE4 is just the KDE 3.5 Daemon for Removable Media. And that does not require you to do anything at all ; it is just there running automatically although it doesn't live on the desktop or system tray in any way except when it is actively doing something for you. It pops up whenever I insert/attach a disk, drive, camera, usb stick, etc. etc. You just select what you want and it does it ~ with the same choices. I will agree that what the KDE4 team have done is also include the unmounting process on the widget, whereas in KDE3.5, I select the My Computer icon, and right click on whichever of the mounted processes I wish to remove. I confess I have never felt the need to have the KDE3.5 Daemon permanently on the desktop in any form.

Whether the KDE4 move to put the unmounting process on the widget is good or bad, I cannot say; probably more convenient for some users. However I very, very much like to see just WHAT is mounted in that My Computer list. I have on at least one occasion accidentally left an external hdd attached and mounted........and then removed it after shutdown.......Right.......Put it back and then boot up and unmount it. Having an easily accessible master list in KDE3.5 is very useful so I assume KDE4 does this too ? One does tend to visit it before shutting down to make sure all is well.

I'm curious though: is this article an indication that the KDE4 group has only just added this widget facility for KDE4.4 ? Or is it simply an author's enthusiasm for disseminating info ? I sincerely hope it was the latter. But again, as I read the article, I could not help but remark quietly to myself that once more KDE4 seems to be adding a layer of complexity onto a previously simple process. Or maybe it's just me.........probably. :-)


May 24, 2010
9:05 PM EDT
@Ridcully, this has been around for awhile in this form. i.e. Nothing new here, move along.

May 24, 2010
10:24 PM EDT
@azerthoth...........no worries; just had me curious as to why (what is to me) a normal and everyday function in KDE3.5 required an explanation and a minor "beatup" in KDE4.

May 25, 2010
8:21 AM EDT
Here is something interesting though, a fork for KDE3.5


It's early days yet........but given the situation between those who still believe KDE3.5 outshines KDE4 for simplicity, stability and speed..........it's not really surprising.

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